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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Santonio

  1. Santonio

    Just wow.

    Looks like my bank account.
  2. The Runescape banning System is complicated, Let's just say they have seen your patterns like miss clicking same spot as example, they will notice it and will review the case ( Banning System ) and nobody, really nobody is clicking every single time and the perfect place for 1 hr straight, so most likely it's manual of a real mod catch / review the issue you would've been perm banned.
  3. 2-day bans are most likely sort of manual bans,
  4. I can do this. My skype: live:santoniofamily - Price = 16M 2007 GP. - Timeframe = Not sure depends on tasks.
  5. Santonio

    NMZ service

    Does Skype work again?
  6. 1000 Post count. Will I be the next @Krys Let me update my Signature real quick:
  7. Santonio


    2300k If I can start now they're done in 2 hrs
  8. Santonio


    Provide stats, since contact! is aids.
  9. Santonio

    RFD b gloves

    Seems like it yes
  10. Santonio

    RFD b gloves

    16M done tommorow If you have skill reqs
  11. 6 gp / xp can start now
  12. Hmm Dunno Just want something Nice Just cleaned bank of my friends account can be bothered anymore
  13. Just watch a bank video of someone online most likely they have it nicely ordered
  14. I am looking for someone who can make me an amazing bank order I'll supply the account with 10M Gold So you can buy off all items 1. The following things I'll be needed: - Farming with Herb Collection Tab - - Pure PKING tab / PVM tab - - Slayer tab - - Food / Potions Tab - - Runes / Teleport Tab - - Junk Tab - - Quest Item tab ( Quest items from the bank in that tab )
  15. Added something to the message, no defence level may be gained!
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