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Everything posted by fishnugget

  1. LMAO! xDDD that 1 was actually pretty funny ;p
  2. hahaha say it out a few times after each other and you'll get 'hodor'
  3. hahahaha I tought you mentioned people who speak in first instance
  4. bro it's worth the cost when u go to the beach in the summer the water is like 38 degrees in the evening/night lol it's like you are taking a shower lmao. But honestly dubai is not the very best in the summer cuz it's just too fcking hot. After the summer it's like 30 degrees which is perfect.
  5. definitely fake lol!
  6. idk the formula either!
  7. yeah real funny -.- got 1 already but thx
  8. I felt in love with League of legends and playing this game (especially with yasuo) for over 3-4 years now
  9. Hey guys, any1 has an idea on how to make some fast cash? Need some ;p
  10. fishnugget


    add me on skype: kipburger1
  11. yeah well i haven't sold it yet, but the reason why so cheap is bcuz I need to get rid of it so I can go stake xD
  12. thx for your feedback guys I've put it on playerauctions for 30$'s I think it's a decent price
  13. I think it's worth around 25m doe, nice lvl 99 to have =]
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