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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Funt

  1. Price range; Account A - 7M Account B - 10M Account C - I'd price it around the same, maybe even 7.5M because 30 Hitpoints really isn't that hard to get with 70 Ranged. Account D - Same as the one listed above, 10.5-11M
  2. 8M or so, that being because of the pet heron.
  3. Not exactly sure, just looking for a price check on it.
  4. Can you wear the barrows gloves though?
  5. Funt

    Display Names

    Never ended up getting a PM from DeAndre Anyone else able to help me?
  6. Stats provided are the only stats trained, minus the Smithing and Herblore. Account also has 400 Castle Wars tickets.
  7. Damn, that has to be the best signature I've seen
  8. Goodluck on the shop! I may want to use you in the future
  9. Funt

    PC Pure

    I'd price this at 40-50M
  10. Funt

    Initiate pure

    I'd go with what everyone is saying, between 150-180M range
  11. Funt

    75 Woodcutting

    I'd price this at 3-4M
  12. Funt

    50 mining

    3-4M seeing as it does only take a couple hours to get done
  13. Such a very well put together zerker, seeing as the account only has mute offences on it. I'd price this around 300-350M. Trusted or not people, you do have to start somewhere in order to be trusted, remember that! I really do love this account though, nice job!
  14. With the stats provided for the first account, I'd say 40M For the second, 100M firm
  15. Funt

    price check

    5M would be a good set price for an account like that.
  16. Ouh, obby maulers in the starting. I'd price these at 5-6M each.
  17. I REALLY like this guide, I'll definitely be using it when I make my pure. Very well put together.
  18. I was doing Regicide on my ironman account so I could do this clue scroll, and I ended up getting poisoned and dying in the middle of one of those traps that come up at you, and I got back, took me about 40 minutes, but then I couldn't pick up my stuff because it was glitched in the middle of the trap so gf like 300k worth of things on my ironman
  19. Funt

    Display Names

    It says I have to wait 10 minutes to send you a PM, I'll message you then. Thanks
  20. Funt

    Display Names

    Do people do price checks on display names? If so, I have a couple rare ones that I'm looking to get an estimate value on, only looking to release names via PM to a trusted user so the display name stays with someone trusted. PM me if you know the prices of generally rare names.
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