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Trade With Caution
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About VoidOnly

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  1. Guess that's what it's looking like, was doing so well though
  2. Looks like youre a goner lol.

  3. Disputed Member:[member=Logic] Why it should be removed: I got Madelsto's second opinion on the situation between Logic and I. Madelsto read the appeal and removed my TWC and the negative feedback. I guess Logic noticed Madelsto had removed the feedback and Logic re-added the feedback again. Details: See Above^ Link to topic: There is no link to the appeal, the appeal was made in a pm between Madelsto and I
  4. Sounds good will get it refunded in 24 hours. And what, you expect me to take a picture of every single level I get? Which I do have proof of levels of about half the services I've done
  5. Bot when it's not requested? Did you even read the sythe disputes. The who disputed Me on sythe "assumed" I was botting" nothing happened to his account.... Logics account is the FIRST account that has been banned in my possession out of 30+ orders, in which like I said he bought the account 4-7 days ago and we all do know delayed bans can easily happen 1-2 weeks after botting...
  6. Along with this, he bought the account a week ago if that, meaning it could've easily been botted before he bought the account with delayed ban. My 33 vouches zero bans is my proof that it's hand done
  7. I can refund 30m to the user which is what he paid for the account in which I will provide screenshot of the message of him saying that he paid 30m for the account
  8. lol these guys saying all this 1m hand done crap are full of it lmao. I'll do It for 4m hand done, you got my skype let me know if you want me to do it, I'm about to be off for the night but ill be on tomorrow
  9. Won't be worth as much once the ags update comes out where it takes up 60% spec
  10. Will 100% be buying this, im pumped, hurry up devs
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