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Mithril Poster (6/10)



  1. Caam

    Price check

    How much for a 99/99/99/99 maxed melee account with nothing much else?
  2. Kinda need money :p http://gyazo.com/3a8aad782f424a9272007f75d90ee096 http://gyazo.com/76e5bdc55b1051b1f7c230b0025c593d http://gyazo.com/2aa852d1eb2fabb27fc1f5bfe02b53c1 190 QP BGloves Dragon Defender Prince Black Dragon 60M+ in items Dragon Pickaxe w/ upgrade Cheers ~Caam
  3. I thought it was safe to return... welp time to leave again.
  4. Straight to the wank bank with that picture
  5. You die alot but overall nice job
  6. Hi I don't actually want this but the services are still on offer from me. PM 4 info bbe xoxoxox
  7. Flux has genuinely helped me alot. It has enabled me to reduce eye strain and stop the rapid destruction of my eyes. I am now able to sleep at night due to the dimming of the screen, and my eyes are no longer sore after gaming.
  8. This better not pass the poll. Corp and Divine Shield were one of the worst things to happen to RS. I actually agree with @The Hero of Time. I never thought I'd see the day.
  9. Goodbye an fagit, I will miss you xoxoxo (you cannot escape me)
  10. About an x/10 where x is any integer less than 11
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