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Everything posted by aglot

  1. aglot

    Cleaning finds

    Attack 75 cb 27
  2. aglot

    Cleaning finds

    Hı, I need a Script to bot about 500-1000hours https://oldschoolrunescape.fandom.com/wiki/Uncleaned_find  1. take uncleaned finds, its afk, just have to click once. 2. clean uncleaned finds, its afk. just one click. 3. once you finish cleaning the finds, press the box, agree to put in items by pressing one. by putting in finds in the crate, you have a chance at an experience lamp, which I would want used on attack. After putting items in box, you'd drop the junk items and repeat.  https://gyazo.com/cada9af3ef73b1adbf8b7e7d7f4a8954 https://youtu.be/Enwyjq2uLYU
  3. aglot


    Cant see the Script at my list
  4. With breaks? For how long? 1 h fishing 5 min break?
  5. Str 90-92 3 Day ban because of 10-20h a day no breaks, 92-99 no bans because of breaks (60min-5min break) After 1-2 weeks no ban after 99 Thx for the Script
  6. Hit str, attack 99 Str 90 on alt No bans
  7. Script broked always walking to safespot and afk there
  8. Hit str 99 without ban. was botting 10 hour a day now road to attack 99
  9. Lol botted over 100 hours and no ban
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