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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    That's quite weird, could you send me the long list printed in the logger when loading the preset? It should list all settings in the logger
  2. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Should be fixed now, try using fire strike, I think it may be able to survive both fights
  3. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It wasn't supposed to bank after the first fight, what gear/stats are you running it with?
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What is it typing?
  5. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Is this on mirror mode?
  6. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It doesn't use any boosts
  7. Token

    Stealth Quester

    ^ Adding a script that's alphabetically after S will also work
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Try the latest 2.5,48 client, it should be fixed there
  9. I don't see any onLoop in there nor the code running after webwalking so I can't provide any info on that
  10. Always add an else case at the end and print an error message in there, it's most likely a logical problem where none of your conditions are met
  11. Token

    Stealth Quester

    If you mean the script doesn't appear on client script selector list, try the latest dev build (2.5.48), there is a problem with the GUI on mac where the last script in the last is not displayed but this was supposed to be addressed in that client version
  12. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    I think it should be fixed now, let me know if you still have this issue
  13. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Any chance you have the logger contents for when it failed to withdraw super magics?
  14. @bottingallowed mirror mode has some sort of delay which is set to 1000ms by default, the behavior you are describing is most likely not a broken script but a problem with the mirror mode default settings. I heard from many people that lowering the delay to 50ms will make scripts work with mirror mode, but this is not something that can be changed from a script.
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Check the config debugger (top right side of the client, settings -> options, debug tab, config debugger), on the left side of the window if you look at config 165 what's the value displayed for config details (decimal)? Check the logger on the top right side of the client under settings, it should state what the problem is There is but they are currently disabled, will re-enable them in an update soon
  16. There are ways to proxy the mirror client but not through OSBot's proxy settings. Easiest way to do it without any technical knowledge is using using proxifier with a proxy rule set for both clients.
  17. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I had some code for the breaking a year ago but removed it shortly after adding because of some OSBot setting that adds a popup at the start every time you run it, this was ruining the point of CLI startup. But I've recently discussed with the devs and they said the warning will be removed in the next stable build, so I may add the breaking code again. Have you completed Plague City and claimed the reward? This may happen if Plague City was done manually and the Ardougne teleport not unlocked at end of quest
  18. Yep, I've had accounts with 3 bans before
  19. They even unban accounts multiple times
  20. ^ if you ever had a successful appeal you will notice they motivate the ban quashing with something like "we noticed a period of unusual activity on your account", which refers to them noticing an IP change
  21. Create the account and play a little on it on your home IP, switch to a proxy when you start botting. It offers almost 100% unbanning success if you appeal from the original IP.
  22. Don't forget to use a proxy when botting, it helps with the unbanning process
  23. Check your PC for files with the "hs_err_pid<NUMBER>"name pattern, usually under your user home directory or same directory as OSRS client/OSBot client. They may provide additional information since it sounds like a JVM crash.
  24. It looks quite stable, hope we get that Darcula theme on the official build soon™
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