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Everything posted by next_god

  1. I have yet a reason to pull the trigger(Other than to support a client I use). However if you're trying to run a goldfarm then there's really no alternative. But looking at it logistically; Could you make ~10M in a month by botting? Than yes, VIP is clearly worth it, and essentially pays for itself.
  2. I have been writing my own simple fishing script because of this... Thank a lot! Will post the source once completed.
  3. This is actually pretty cool and I will definitely use it. Thanks!
  4. Only thing I'd change would be making the bubbles have more differences as right now it looks like, "copy, pastepastepastepastepaste".
  5. One of those pieces where you ask, "But Why"?
  6. Design looks really clean. Definitely looks 'realistic'.
  7. Cinema 4D for letters?
  8. Yeah if you bot smart, you'll likely never get banned on a main account... Especially if you switch between skills so often.
  9. next_god

    Mod Weath

    You can almost sense how much Jagex does not give a fuck about botters if they're consistently buying memberships.... Free2Play bots on the other hand...
  10. next_god

    Dun dun.

    Live every week like it's shark week.
  11. Definitely one of my favorites by him.
  12. I also enjoy ancient studies and evidently minoring in such.
  13. Drake - Back to Back Freestyle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c354QkShZ4
  14. Always use proxies when botting large numbers of accounts(More than 3).
  15. Honestly whenever I don't know what to do in terms of graphics, I like to try to recreate signatures or layouts I find interesting. It hones your ability to pick up subtleties and forces you to learn different techniques.
  16. It is expensive but if you're doing it for a firecape it's pretty worth it. But that is only true if you can accumulate that kind of money relatively fast to offset your losses.
  17. Sharshank Redemption, Forest Gump, Scarface, Indiana Jones trilogy(fourth movie never happened), and Django Unchained are among some of my favorites.
  18. Saying he's the current Zezima is an understatement. Zezima did not play anywhere near as efficient as Lynx does.
  19. Mat K is a clown... he consistently contradicts himself.
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