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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Camaro

  1. There is a graphic object that appears on the next wardrobe that the knife will come out of. Youll have to position the mirror in front of it once you see it.
  2. Its the proxy. Not all providers will cause locks. Just heavily used ones.
  3. Read the log, you probably dont have the required equipment/ levels (33 magic and 20 hp)
  4. Hey, yes definitely try to get me the logs for that. It sounds like an exception is getting thrown.
  5. Now just type "cmd" in the url bar and press enter
  6. Open a terminal instance and run java -jar "OSBot 2.5.85.jar" -debug 5005 and view the output. Make sure it is run in the directory where the .jar is located. How to open terminal from windows explorer with working directory
  7. It will attach to the very last opened osrs client. You need to open one, attach, open another, attach
  8. ahh interesting, I'll have to check out the special worlds. I added extra debug logs for world hopping, itll print out its internal lists. Should be able to see it by tomorrow depending on when it gets compiled next
  9. This is still an issue? Which worlds were selected
  10. Did it happen every time? I tried it the other day and didnt see any issues, but I'll check it out again
  11. The first error you posted definitely looks like a bug on my part, I'll look into that soon. But for the second one, did you notice the bot doing anything else strange? Like scrolling very fast all the way to the top or the bottom in the work selector? Its an issue I saw before. Also, how many / which worlds did you have selected and did you have randomize selected?
  12. Scripts may do it intentionally to make it seem like the client is runelite. Think of it as antiban
  13. Should now be an option to limit worldhopping! How many wizard mind bombs are you bringing
  14. You need to extract the jar into the output root in artifacts
  15. try resetting the client
  16. Thats weird, message me on discord camaro 09#0557 and we can figure this out
  17. yeah id assume it was lag, but sounds good, ill add those in very soon
  18. Hey, thanks. Could you tell me the stats of the account you were running? Id rather just try to avoid dying as much as possible than deal with death mechanics altogether. Im assuming it had low hp?
  19. Its not so much that the client itself is detected, but they can tell its not an official client
  20. Sure, I can add that. Will hopefully get around to it sometime this week
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