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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Camaro

  1. Delete your OSBot folder and reopen the client
  2. The interaction event will attempt to execute any of them, not all of them. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/InteractionEvent.html
  3. This can be simplified very nicely RS2Object trapdoor = getObjects().closest("Trapdoor"); if (trapdoor != null && trapdoor.interact("Open", "Climb-down")) { Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> !trapdoor.exists(), 5000); } Once you are in the dungeon, the trapdoor no longer exists, so the sleep condition covers both interactions.
  4. After the client makes its initial connection to download the game data, the connection will close. Once you log in, the connection will reopen.
  5. message me on discord so we can figure this out camaro 09#0557
  6. hmm what bow are you using?
  7. It should do that when it runs out
  8. hey, sure I'll add support for them later today
  9. You have to type in the names yourself
  10. Yup, a small limit that I placed on the script. Respawn is less than 30 seconds so there's no real reason to need more
  11. They're probably going to get you banned fast. I did the same with aws and had pretty bad results.
  12. No, not at the moment. There is another script on the SDN specifically designed for cannoning. You should use that.
  13. Giant Mole Killer This script will kill the Giant Mole located beneath the Falador Park. This boss has a chance of yielding a high rate of GP/Hour at higher levels. Base stats of 70+ are necessary for efficient kills. Features Multiple attack methods Melee Dharok Range with SafeSpotting Looting Intelligent banking Dharok repairing GE restocking Player detection with world switching Multiple light sources Falador shield mole locator Mole part exchanging Requirements Skills 43 prayer (Melee, DH) Inventory Light source (bullseye lantern, etc.) Spade Falador teletabs Dwarven rock cake (if using DH) Bank Super restore / Prayer potions Stamina potions Super combat / Super Attack and Strength / Ranged potions Restocking Ring of wealth or Varrock teletabs DH Repairing Lumbridge teletabs GP Trials will only be given to VIP members
  14. Can you tell me what's printed in the logger
  15. Its actually in the vip section
  16. Aggressive monsters now supported. Will automatically detect when monsters have aggro and will find safespots based on that. Can also set it to always be on or off in the settings
  17. Yeah it doesnt work too well in there, itll get stuck easily. Just use a regular walk event with a custom path.
  18. All monster sizes are now supported
  19. -script 1101:1-2-3-4-5
  20. I'm planning to make some improvements in the next couple weeks, I'll make sure to include that
  21. Just loot grounditems that are the same position as the monster (despawned entity objects keep their position, will be the same as the loot position). If you get the message that you cant pick it up, add that specific grounditem to a list. When looking for items to loot, filter out all items that are contained in the list. Periodically remove all items from the list that no longer exist to keep it from getting too large. Ive never botted an ironman, but this would be my first approach.
  22. You're generating a null pointer when you run the script. NPC npc = sI.getNpcs().closest("Rat"); This will initialize before the constructor code runs, so the script object never actually gets set. This will cause your script to crash. if(npc.exists()){ sI.npcs.closest(npcsName).interact("Attack"); There are also multiple issues in these two lines. Since the 'npc' variable is only set at the beginning of the script, it never gets updated. exists() will always return false once that npc despawns. You are also not null checking anything. npcs.closest(npcsName) will return null when no npcs are found, which will crash your script. Since this is such a small amount of code, you don't really need to create a separate class for it yet. Start with just calling things within onloop until you understand how a script works more. case ATTACK: if (!myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { NPC rat = getNpcs().closest("Rat"); if (rat != null && rat.interack("Attack")) { Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> myPlayer().isUnderAttack(), 5000); } } break; This should be enough for your attack state. Notice how I use a conditional sleep after attacking the rat. If you don't, then the bot will spam-click the rat until you are actually under attack. This is an extremely necessary thing to learn for writing efficient scripts.
  23. Love to hear it I will be adding full support for larger monsters very soon, like greater demons (3 x 3 sq) and dragons (4 x 4 sq). I can let you know when thats added if you want to try that out
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