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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Camaro

  1. Sure, I'll see about adding that in soon
  2. Turns out that the script was affected by the recent api change. Fix pushed, should be working again soon
  3. Yes, I've activated 24 hours for you
  4. @Patrick I've seen this every now and then, along with this separate nullpointer java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.isVisible(ce:150)
  5. Hey, thanks for reaching out. Have you run it previously with the same settings and everything worked correctly? The logs you posted look fine, it just tracks when an entity spawns and despawns from your local client. The only reasons I can think of right now is that the npc name is spelled incorrectly or you have an area defined that is not near your character.
  6. When I use mirror mode, I just run them on my computer with no proxy. As long as you don't run for hours on end, you shouldn't get banned. If I use injection, I'll run them on a vm with a proxy to make sure nothing can be linked to my "clean" account, but that's just me being paranoid.
  7. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/22505-barrows-settingsconfigvarpbits/
  8. Get vip for mirror mode please.
  9. 24 hours, activated
  10. Offering fragments. That will kill npcs and offer the soul fragments at the obelisk. Put that option as the highest weight, disable attack / defend avatar, and put the rest at a lower weight for a little randomness in the tasks done during a game.
  11. I don't support that right now
  12. Top 50 rank, that is insane. Thank you for your valuable feedback, has helped me improve the script immensely. Goodluck with the account
  13. Don't do it that way. Set the run configuration like this Then when you run the configuration, you'll see a button appear in the output window that says "Attach debugger" If you click that, intellij will automatically connect to the client
  14. activated 24 hours, enjoy
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