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  1. True. Was just curious to opinions.
  2. So Im going to assume this is from people having other people log on different IP and do inferno. Is this possible for them to have tracked teamviewer as a program aside osrs? I know thats malware but would anybody know anything that might make this possible from the osrs client for the future?
  3. In 2015 I came close to it but botted Zulrah went Zulrah came out and that is what led to a perm ban. Nowadays good luck. You would 100% have to sit at your pc imo.
  4. Love this idea. A lot of people can help and encourage a lot of other people. Sometimes all you need to change/turn your life around is somebody informing/telling you about something.
  5. Keebler


    Meh maybe. The problem is there are more trusted people doing the same thing. GL
  6. Looking for a main from very trusted people. Thanks
  7. Could I get a trial dude? Thanks
  8. Bought the script. Really well made man thanks
  9. Keebler

    Molly's Thiever

    Can I get a trial molly
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