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  1. gggz is that quest that hard 15m for a 20 min quest
  2. hello i need underground pass done and maybe animal mag aswell please post price and when u can start. i have 35 agility as of now im currently training it right now.
  3. Hey man im still very interested i was wondering if there was any way u could make a quest list for me that u would be doing to get the remaining quest points im looking for quests that dont give any attack pray or def exp are my only options sence i dont want to go over 60 attack 45 def 21 pray if u have to do a few quests that do give attack and def exp thats ok just ones that wont give more then no more then 20k attack exp/and 4k def exp cant get any prayer exp tho at all
  4. please pm me ur quote please would love to have u do this for me for that awsome price
  5. @Sysm by any chance can u do this for me? i have posted all the quests i have completed if u can find me the cheapest quests u can do for me to get b gloves that would be awsome also need to stay under 45 def and 60 attack wow 25m that just seems to good to be true man!
  6. yea i think im about to make a quest list right now myself thanks for the help
  7. will get back to u when im ready to get them still looking for quotes
  8. I just posted all completed and started quests check them out. I just posted all the completed quests if u can look and give me an accurate quote?
  9. hello like the title says im trying to find a quote on barrows gloves i currently have Dragon gloves, 109 Quest points and have completed all sup quests of RFD only need the remaining quest points and the boss fights. I will post all the quests i have completed shortly. ALSO THIS ACCOUNT MUST STAY 45 DEF AND 60 ATTACK AND GET NO PRAY EXP. CURRENTLY AT 42 DEF 52 ATTACK I will not add anyones skype so please just post or pm me ur quote. Currently Have all NON Members quest completed. Members quests completed are: Big Chompy Bird Hunting Biohazard Clock Tower Druidic Ritual Dwarf Cannon Family Crest Fishing Contest The Fremennik Trails Gertrude's Cat The Golem The Grand Tree Heroes' Quest Jungle potion Part of Legends quest Lost City Merlin's Crystal Monk's Friend Monkey Madness I Murder Mystery Nature Spirit Plague City Priest in Peril started Regicide Shadow of the storm Shilo Village Tree Gnome Village Underground Pass Waterfall Quest Witch's House
  10. meet me in osbot chat box i dont have or use skype sorry man but i need the quests done so get ahold of me in chat box please
  11. Family CrestShield of Arrav Shilo Village Jungle PotionUnderground Pass Heroes Quest RFD Monkey RFD Sir Amik VarzeThe Knight's SwordMishtalin Mystery Prince Ali RescueHazeel Cult need completed asap pm me!
  12. still need some questing done in any legit trusted people want to make some quick gp
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