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Everything posted by Rxd

  1. Rxd


    i have a perfect picture for this thread yet osbot wont let me upload it
  2. Rxd


    balls in my face. sup
  3. Rxd


    Bot on tuesdays and sundays hardcore.
  4. I dont understand hype behind CS:GO
  5. Man.... if trump get's elected fuck it. Such a great nation is already an laughing stock.
  6. Rxd

    UFC 169

    lmao. I knew diaz would win, dont fuck with the 209, the OG's.
  7. Rxd


    ayyyy My parents are from AFG, left before soviets came. Sadly i cant read and write but i can speak and understand.
  8. Rxd


    Do you speak farsi or a certain dialect?
  9. Rxd


    I just started league :P Thinking of using free champs till i have 6400 ip or just buying annie or warwick
  10. 5'4 126LB. I'm only 16 mates, let me grow.
  11. Rxd

    Oh god

    What language is that?
  12. "look at you man... honestly look at you.. if you dont want to don't talk... you think im even trying to scam 25m ??? i'm going to be making 24$ hourly in 2 months... i'll make it in an hour....what i'd scam on this site... i sometimes really question people's stupidity. keep your smartass comments to yourself. judging people by the color of their name, what a joke. Grow up." Release it than. When did i judge you by the color of your name? Don't put words in my mouth. Gl selling.
  13. Dont want to shit on thread but, keep it for yourself honestly.
  14. Rxd


    Stay golden, ponyboy.
  15. bump thred revive it. Thread no die.
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