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Everything posted by Kramnik

  1. "Make a program" this part would be a problem Would need function of checking if banned or no, or etc. just a way to start them with 5 second pause between runs to make it smooth otherwise I would just have to open .bat file every 5s myself
  2. Hi guys, The problem is that I want to run multiple CLI bots fast, without copying and pasting etc. I do use Explvs bot manager and it's awesome, but it has some minor flaws. The thing is that you have to add every single bot line manually and preparing info in excel with some smart functions is way faster, however starting them is the problem. Maybe the faster approach would be to create somesort of excel macros command for excel to save all lines as .bat to be able to run them with one click, but then I dont know how to resolve timing idea between them because if you run them to fast most of them get stuck. Any ideas?
  3. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/116685-juggles-junk-seller/
  4. Very nice thread Only wanted to ask about this rule "Do not leave the house whilst botting (major risk) " Why's that? From my experience if script runs smooth it will most likely do that continuesly. Of course testing before is needed
  5. It was f'kd up for me too for couple day but appears it is fine now
  6. Hello, good luck with your goal
  7. Kramnik


    Normal black to me too
  8. Was making 100m+ daily until lost 2b and most of accounts last week Will take some time to rebuild
  9. Well that was the case for me to, but after 4 months botting everyday suddenly everything changed :D
  10. Do you rent it somewhere like a VPS or you physically bought it?
  11. What kind of server you are using?
  12. Just a short notice from me, probably not relevent to your case. I would try looking at bots itself instead of CPU usage Idk how it works but my CPU shows 100% usage at all times when I run 20 bots however it doesnt cause any problems until i run 30-40 bots and their start lagging misclicking and etc.
  13. Plot twist: No one here is american
  14. I tend to stick to that hours too but what is strange that my script got me through for a very long time without much bans and now all of sudden they become so frequent. Havent changed anything in my system, same script, same botting time, new ip after every ban wave so it is very odd. I am thinking maybe this is caused by the script itself. Maybe I pretty much abused it so now it gets banned very fast, could this be the case?
  15. Only using fresh ip for whole farm everyday. Regarding method this is pretty popular botting method so I think Jagex is aware of it anyway, I just wonder is there any chance that bans increased to how the script is built, how it makes bots work and that is getting them caught?
  16. Hi guys, maybe you got any tips what is going on. I was gold farming for 6 months with same method, pretty much suiciding but never got quick bans, for last two weeks bans start flying. Getting banned 2-3 hours after account creation. What do you think is happening, stronger Jagex monitoring? (Note is happens after jagex work). Or do I need to change something in my script as it started to getting automated detected? I am using one made by me
  17. Hello, I sadly inform you that in fact this is not a real life.
  18. " Ive used my forum name here which is my name (I'd rather it not be -.-) " Since you are VIP you can ask in specific directory in forum for admin to change it if you want
  19. I would say the main reason was because you botted two accounts on one PC and then also two more on other PC I guess on same IP. This does increase ban risk very much. Managed to get to 1500 total level in just 2 weeks, but got banned on first day when I added additional 3 accounts to bot.
  20. So you type info to log in to runescape and it gives you wrong password? Does it work when you log-in to official client?
  21. Caused by: java.io.EOFException: \n not found: limit=0 content=… at okio.RealBufferedSource.readUtf8LineStrict(RealBufferedSource.java:226) at okio.RealBufferedSource.readUtf8LineStrict(RealBufferedSource.java:210) at okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec.readResponseHeaders(Http1Codec.java:189) ... 63 common frames omitted Dont say anything to me
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