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  1. Tried out. And you were right. Mirror mode is causing the problem. Great work!
  2. Hey man, this script looks interesting. I am looking for some minigame scripts. May I get a trial for this one? Edit: I have just bought it and tested it out. Script runs without any problems. Like you can run it for hours. I don't know if this only happened to me but there is a delay of 5 secs between every action. Like click on high alch -> wait 5 secs -> click on item -> wait 5 secs -> get item -> wait 5 secs. The bot managed to earn 1k coins in 1 hour, which normaly takes like 5 mins if you do it by hand. Edit 2: It's actually because of the Mirror mode. Tried it out with stealth and it works without any issues. Great work!
  3. 99amo99

    Exco Puro Puro

    Great! The script looks nice and is working at the first sight. However: After 1 Hour of running the script with the priorities: Dragon > Ninja > Magpie the results were [ this ]. I babysat the bot and it basically snared the imps and waited for like 10 secs until other players stole the imp. And also there might be some issues at world hopping since it tries to push through the wheat and tries top hop worlds in the meantime. It then sits there for a while. It might be useful if the bot is not taking the path in which it stands. My bot was at the outter side of puro puro and was basically running all the way. It would be easier if the bots takes one of ther shorter paths (middle path) and would be more efficient at the same time. Keep up the great work. This might be one of the hardest scripts to write.
  4. 99amo99

    Exco Puro Puro

    Hi, I'm looking to buy this script. Can I get a trial, please?
  5. This might cause the problem. Gonna check it out. I chose frome the list. In both ways the bot mines sandstone.
  6. Why does the bot mine sandstone although I have selected granite? I want it to powermine (mine 1 drop 1) granite but it is so slow that it is not even worth to powermine. The bot succesfully mines one rock -> waits until its mineable again -> as soon as the rock is mineable again it switches to the next rock. I would have preffered mining the other rock while the first one is regenerating.
  7. I don't know what happened in the past months, but this script isn't working flawless anymore. The bot gets stuck in front of the rocks and needs multiple minutes until actual mine. After 30 mins I was able to mine 50 ores.
  8. 99amo99

    Exco Puro Puro

    This script is going to kill puro puro Can I get a trial please?
  9. Found a couple bugs in the progressive mode: 1.The bot takes out 5k. puts it back. closes bank. and does it again. I stopped the script and did the buying stuff on my own. 2. It tped to CW and was about to go the path with the noted items. Ive put the noted items in the bank and continued the script. The bot took all the items except the food. 3. It went straight to the ogres without food -> died 2nd try: 4. After 2 traps it randomly stopped and was doing nothing when I checked
  10. How do I set up the C1D1 option? I don't know why, but it doesn't work for me whether I do the bank mode or the drop mode.
  11. Can I ge a trial for app AIO cooking pls
  12. Hi, can I get a trial pls. Im looking for a flawless cooking script
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