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Everything posted by Shigeo

  1. Shigeo

    Cheap designs

    Gotten some graphics done, thank you.
  2. Shigeo

    Cheap designs

    Talking to you on skype rn
  3. Shigeo

    Logo for SALE!

    Accept me on skype
  4. Shigeo


    Sorry I don't have skrill
  5. Shigeo


    BROUGHT! Close please
  6. Hey added you on skype, awaiting reply
  7. i can see ur rsn on the top left rip account
  8. Not really I have seen some going for $10, the site I know of sells for about $15. But if you dig deeper, $10 shouldn't be a problem getting one.
  9. You can get like VCC to verify your paypal, probably would cost you around 10$ ish
  10. Yea sure but definitely wont be selling it at 15m sorry.
  11. I can't enter chat mate https://gyazo.com/67f866dfed7c07341fe416b0a36e6f2f This is my skype junwei221
  12. I will buy all whats ur skype?
  13. Will buy all what's ur skype?
  14. They must have the following criteria in their thread: 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed Nothing important except Horror from the deep 5. The price you will be starting bids at 15M 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 50M 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 Gold and Paypal from people I deemed trusted at $1.05 per M 8. Your trading conditions You go first/MM/I go first 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I'm the original owner and the original email address does not exist. As the email domain does not exist.
  15. pretty sure he's afraid of chargeback
  16. nope you just asked me that on skype
  17. Acc 1: Tree Gnome Village Grand Tree Monkey Madness below 43 pray Horror from the Deep + Barcrawl Acc 2: Death Plateau Troll Stronghold Temple of ikov The Digsite Tourist Trap Desert Treasure below 43 pray Post your skypes and prices
  18. why not wipe it with water or something if it's waterproof.
  19. What's ur skype, I will buy all
  20. Log them both in together at the same time.
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