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Everything posted by Stokbrood

  1. So 250k xp/h is the current speed? Because i have 65k grapes and jugs waiting for me
  2. bye bye gold, suck big time
  3. i get 50-60k magic xp per hour + over 20k smithing xp per hour (steel bars) so not bad for me not making any money tough but also not losing much edit : getting 65k xp/h now lost my internet connection too bad will try again
  4. Welcome ! Yeah get VIP and use mirror big + bot smart, you do not want to go too fast and also check which scripts has the best reviews
  5. This script is a beast Going for a 2 a 3 hour proggy now
  6. well i can't deny that love belgium beers
  7. i guess you can say goodbye to your account
  8. welcome welcome enjoy your stay
  9. 3 heineken beers 59dollars like wtf you can buy 6 crates for that oh well some people just have to much money
  10. over 100 objects already very nice
  11. looking very good could i have a trial if possible ?
  12. looks good gl with the development
  13. why not both ? vip + khal or czar scripts are the best
  14. Works great really am considering buying this
  15. could i have a trial to test this out ?
  16. loving the mirror client great job guys and that while it is still in beta !
  17. depends on the options. but if it works good with the fastest xp/h like oak larders etc around 10$ i think.
  18. cant wait for this to be released been waiting for a construction script for a while now
  19. works ! thanks i did not start at cw that was the problem
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