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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Csgo graphics are still back in 2005... LoL is just a bunch of anime weeb lovers. Dota is the real team game.
  2. Damn i cannot wait for it http://www.dota2.com/700/ look out LoL you're going down
  3. Are you sure this isnt your parents and that small tan chair is really yours?
  4. Jake


    Its @Krys, It's what he does.
  5. CBA is a noob position. Its like getting a lvl 2 on osrs.. Nothing exciting.
  6. Fuck the driving there though, its like playing chicken on the road.
  7. Went to Ocho Rios Sandals resort for my honeymoon and man it is totally different than america lol. Also went Ziplining in the rainforest and bobsleding and all kinds of things. Wish i could gotten more pictures but cant bring your phone when you're in water.
  8. Stop grave digging. Just cause u want something doesn't mean be annoying about it
  9. I liked that song before the internet loved it.
  10. Since im going to Jamica on sunday for a week ima need some music to listen to. Anything besides country.
  11. If the person requests to be ban don't hesitate with it, just ban him already
  12. Everyone knew he come back soon.
  13. Wrong section for one, two you're not allowed to advertise. You got to ask @@Maldesto to post it.
  14. Jake


    Muffins is going to be the next scamquit
  15. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  16. Bull fucking shit. You're more like #400k
  17. Why do you wanna be apple? Apple makes horrible phones and you guys want to be them? Lol go ahead.
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