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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Not really. Work wise though they do push us hard like our safety things say we cant run but they tell us 2 steps per second which is like jogging basically for 12 hours. lol hey i dont mind the pay there is good.
  2. I just think people should work in some kind of fast food customer service job to understand whats its like. Like when i go to any place im patient and no hassle. It bugs me lol
  3. Usually its Mexicans in cali but it depends where you live.
  4. Ok so i work at Amazon warehouse full time and subway as a part time job for the extra $$$, i was at subway last night working with my co worker and we get this most difficult customer ever. She was a pain in the ass just to make her sandwich, when we get her done with her sandwich she has some guy pay for her double meat sandwich cause supposedly the guy said she was poor. She comes back up and was like can i get my $1 and $5 bills exchanged for $20s, and i was like yeah sure ( cause we recently gotten alot of $20bills and we running low on $5s and $1s) she gives me $40 and i give her $40 in 20s and she says one more and i give her another 20 and she doesnt give me anything in return and i was like uhm wheres the four 5s or the ones for that 20, and she was like no no no i gave it to you already, and me and my co worker both were like no you didnt, and she went on this for 40 straight minutes. I was like lady ill count my register right now to show you it says we're missing $20. And she was like ok, we did that and guess what, missing $20. I showed her it and she still denies it. Till the point where i had to call security or the police, then she got scared and once i put the phone next to my ear she gave it back and left. Lol... If you're like this person plz kys.
  5. When a new person as like bunny, you will see in spam section he has like 10 posts in all the posts in order. Thats spamming, and if you read all his replies, they're stupid things that arent on topic of the spam or any where close. I know its spam section but doesnt mean be clueless
  6. Stop spamming to get your post count to 100.. Its really obvious... Inb4 'no i dont'
  7. In his picture, DO YOU SEE IT SAYING OPEN LINK IN NEW TAB??????????????????????????????
  8. how much money did deceiver give you to post this?
  9. Does it matter if its memb or not cause they all probably have none lol.
  10. So what is your price limit on these accounts? some arent crap but want to sell and i got crap ones also.
  11. You were way late so how is it fake? You're just spamming for your post count.
  12. Isnt that @@Muffins wife?
  13. Jake


    Notice how emily is back when Sysm is
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