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    The Myths' Guild
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  1. 19.9m i have what they don't -- coffee and speed so it'll be done in 24hrs ezpz
  2. Recently took advantage of some twitch memberships and figured a few farming alts would be interesting to try out. Are you still doing trials by any chance? It'd be nice to see what all could be done on bare-bone accounts.
  3. Step aside big boy, learn the skills of being a scumbag undercutter -- I'll do it for 7m AND i'm a mean ass quest speedrunning demon.
  4. zzzz I don't socialize in the black market much anymore luckily for me ik just one whole person. @Not A User
  5. @a 7 fold not a friend just the first name to pop up.
  6. I'd be down to take on both of these accounts, but I'd be botting if thats alright with you. Discord tag is 'Scenery#0001' if you want to talk about it some more.
  7. Scenery

    2 quests

    Add me then we can talk budget.
  8. Scenery

    2 quests

    13m 07, discord is 'Scenery#0001'.
  9. .95c/m via paypal skype is 'kael@memeware.net' or discord 'scenery#9037' You go first or we dance around with a MM, let me know.
  10. its been sold but feel free to add me if you want to buy more in the future Skype: kael@memeware.net or discord @ Scenery#9037 You go first or we'll use a MM, probably going to be the latter.
  11. 6m 07gp for the regicide quest line, feel free to add me on skype 'kael@memeware.net'
  12. I can do this providing you'll allow magic to be used for the quest bosses. Feel free to add my Skype: 'kael@memeware.net', I'm comfortable with using a MM if you fear trust is a factor.
  13. Script name: Caged Ogres - trial length: 24hrs, longer if applicable :^) - Reason for trial: Would like to see the optimal amount of xp I can gain. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yes
  14. I can do these for 25m and can all be completed by the end of the day. My skype is 'kael@memeware.net' let me know, thanks.
  15. Who's to say rsgp isn't a drug?
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