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Everything posted by pildurass

  1. For stamina potions the bot pulls out the amalyse then logs me out... I have plenty of super energy potions
  2. pildurass

    Stealth Quester

    It seems stuck on depths of despair
  3. Just bought this script. In mirror mode it opens the bank and states that I've ran out of supplies when I clearly have not...Any help on this?
  4. I have a really solid main that you'd be interested in...message my skype: soccermike35
  5. Yup, no problem. This works on osbot
  6. loled. Since your new to drinking, you may not like beer. It's an acquired taste, however I do prefer pacifico/heineken over anything. If you think beer tastes like piss then drink an ale like redds or mikes hard lemonade (keep in mind you will be thought of as a pussy if you drink these at a party).
  7. Hello! Just this morning I wake up to all my accounts being permanantely banned, probably due to botting in catherby yesterday :p But I'm definentally done botting for good now and I'd like to give my scripts away so that people here can benefit (if people still bot). So this is very high reqs script, you need to have a house with a kharyll teleport. Also you need to have lobsters in your bank. If requested enough times I will simply release the source code for this script. I myself have made 50m with this script this past week on my main account, however I really started to care less and less for playing. Since I cannot upload a .jar I will simply post the source code, enjoy import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Tab; @ScriptManifest(author = "Pildurass", info = "Collects mort myre fungus", name ="Shrooms", version = 1.0, logo = "http://i.imgur.com/xI60cq3.png") public class Shrooms extends Script { public int trips, shroomholder, shroomcount; private long startTime; private Color bg; String state; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Color box; public int statsX; public int statsY; public void onStart() { trips = (int) getInventory().getAmount(563); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); bg = new Color(69, 53, 15, 125); box = new Color(0, 0, 0); statsX = 313; statsY = 344; } public void onPaint(Graphics2D g1) { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; Graphics2D g = g1; g.setColor(bg); g.fillRect(statsX, statsY, 184, 115); g.setColor(Color.green); g.drawRect(statsX, statsY, 184, 115); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("Fungi Picker v")).append("0.1 | Author : Pildurass").toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 15); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("State: ")).append(status).toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 30); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("Time ran: ")).append(timeToString((int)millis)).toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 45); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("Fungi Gained: ")).append(shroomcount).toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 60); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("Fungi/Hour: ")).append(perHour((int)(shroomcount), System.currentTimeMillis() - millis)).toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 75); } public static String perHour(int gained, long startTime) { int i = (int)(((double)gained * 3600000D) / (double)(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return (new StringBuilder()).append(i).toString(); } public static String timeToString(long time) { int seconds = (int)(time / 1000L) % 60; int minutes = (int)((time / 60000L) % 60L); int hours = (int)((time / 0x36ee80L)); return (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(hours))).append(":").append(minutes).append(":").append(seconds).toString(); } public final Position toGate[] = { new Position(3497, 3482, 0), new Position(3481, 3476, 0), new Position(3466, 3473, 0), new Position(3453, 3465, 0), new Position(3444, 3458, 0) }; public final Position toShroomArea[] = { new Position(3433, 3450, 0), new Position(3424, 3441, 0), new Position(3466, 3473, 0), new Position(3421, 3439, 0) }; public final Position toBank[] = { new Position(3494, 3479, 0), new Position(3502, 3489, 0), new Position(3511, 3480, 0) }; public final Position toSpot[] = { new Position(3421, 3439, 0) }; public void walkPath(Position path[]) { for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { localWalker.walk(path[i]); } } public void walkBank() { status = "Walking to Bank"; walkPath(toBank); while(myPlayer().isMoving()) { } } public void bank() { status="Banking"; RS2Object banks = objects.closest(new String[] {"Bank booth"}); localWalker.walk(banks.getPosition()); while(myPlayer().isMoving()) { } banks.interact("Bank"); } public void storeitems() { status = "Storing Items"; shroomholder += 25; getInventory().getItem(2970).interact("Deposit-All"); if (skills.getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) <= 60) { getBank().withdraw(379, 3); } } public void openDoor() { status = "Opening Door"; RS2Object portal = objects.closest(new String[] {"Portal"}); getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); new Position(portal.getPosition().getX() - 3, portal.getPosition().getY(), portal.getPosition().getZ()).interact(getBot(), "Walk here"); getDoorHandler().handleNextObstacle(new Position(portal.getPosition().getX() - 4, portal.getPosition().getY(), portal.getPosition().getZ())); } public void rechargingPrayer() { status = "Recharging Prayer"; RS2Object altar = objects.closest(new String[] {"Altar"}); altar.interact("Pray"); if (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) != skills.getStatic(Skill.PRAYER)) { altar.interact("Pray"); } } public void exiting() { status = "Exiting House"; RS2Object tpFocus = objects.closest(new String[] {"Teleportation focus"}); RS2Object portal = objects.closest(new String[] {"Kharyrll Portal"}); localWalker.walk(tpFocus.getPosition()); portal.interact("Enter"); } public void picking() { status = "Picking Fungi"; shroomcount = (int) getInventory().getAmount(2970) + shroomholder; RS2Object fungi = objects.closest(new String[] {"Fungi on log"}); fungi.interact("Pick"); } public void walktologs() { status = "Walking to logs"; walkPath(toShroomArea); while(myPlayer().isMoving()) { } } public void opengate() { status = "Opening Gate"; RS2Object gate = objects.closest(new String[] {"Gate"}); localWalker.walk(gate.getPosition()); while (myPlayer().isMoving()){ } gate.interact("Open"); } public void walktobank() { status = "Walking to bank"; walkPath(toBank); } public void teleporttohouse() { status = "Teleporting to house"; getTabs().open(Tab.MAGIC); getInterfaces().getChild(192, 23).interact("Cast"); } public void returntospot() { status = "Getting Situated"; shroomcount = (int) getInventory().getAmount(2970) + shroomholder; new Position(3421, 3439, 0).interact(getBot(), "Walk here"); } public void castbloom(){ status = "Casting bloom"; getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); getInventory().getItem(2963).interact("Cast Bloom"); } public void walktogate() { status = "Walking to gate"; walkPath(toGate); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { } } public void eat() { status = "Eating"; getBank().close(); getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); getInventory().interact("Eat", 379); } public String status = "Initializing..."; public int onLoop() { RS2Object bankss = objects.closest(new String[] {"Bank booth"}); RS2Object gate = objects.closest(new String[] {"Gate"}); RS2Object logs = objects.closest(new String[] {"Rotting log"}); RS2Object fungi = objects.closest(new String[] {"Fungi on log"}); RS2Object portal = objects.closest(new String[] {"Portal"}); RS2Object door = objects.closest(13103); if (getColorPicker().isColorAt(573, 133, new Color(175, 176, 162))) { status = "Toggling Run"; interfaces.getChild(548, 94).interact("Toggle Run"); return 500; } if (getInventory().contains(379)) { eat(); return 500; } if (bankss != null) { if (bankss.isVisible() && getInventory().getAmount(2970) != 0 && !bank.isOpen() && myPosition().getY() > 3473) { bank(); return 2000; } } if (myPosition().getY() < 3457 && myPosition().getY() > 3430 && getInventory().isFull() && skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) == skills.getStatic(Skill.PRAYER) || myPosition().getY() >= 3625 && myPosition().getY() <= 3640) { teleporttohouse(); return 500; } if (myPosition().getY() > 3471 && myPosition().getY() <= 3479 && myPosition().getY() >= 3489 && myPosition().getY() <= 3503) { walkBank(); return 500; } if (getInventory().isFull()) { if (portal != null) { if (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) == skills.getStatic(Skill.PRAYER) && door != null) { exiting(); return 500; } if (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) != skills.getStatic(Skill.PRAYER) && door != null && (portal.getPosition().getX() - 3) == myPlayer().getPosition().getX()) { rechargingPrayer(); return 500; } if (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) != skills.getStatic(Skill.PRAYER) && door != null) { rechargingPrayer(); return 500; } if (getDoorHandler().canReachOrOpen(new Position(portal.getPosition().getX() - 4, portal.getPosition().getY(), portal.getPosition().getZ()))) { openDoor(); return 500; } } if (bankss != null && myPosition().getY() > 3473) { if (!getBank().isOpen()) { bank(); return 2000; } if (getBank().isOpen()) { storeitems(); return 500; } } } if (fungi != null && !getInventory().isFull() && skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) != 0 && fungi.getPosition().getX() <= 3423) { picking(); return 500; } if (myPosition().getY() <= 3457 && myPosition().getY() >= 3443) { walktologs(); return 500; } if (myPosition().getX() >= 3489 && myPosition().getX() <= 3504 && myPosition().getY() >= 3471 && myPosition().getY() <= 3477) { walktobank(); return 500; } if (getInventory().isFull() && myPosition().getY() < 3480) { teleporttohouse(); return 500; } if (gate != null && myPosition().getY() > 3457 && myPosition().getY() <= 3465) { opengate(); return 500; } if (logs != null && myPosition().getY() <= 3457) { if (myPosition().getY() == 3439 && myPosition().getX() == 3421) { castbloom(); return 1000; } else { returntospot(); return 500; } } if (!getInventory().isFull() && skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) != 0) { walktogate(); return 500; } if (bank.isOpen()) { storeitems(); return 500; } return 500; } public void onExit() { } }
  8. Your skills:89 range, 78 def, 70 prayer, 92 hp Payment method: OS RS GP Added me yet: Yes Price: 4m
  9. pildurass

    OSBot 2.2.12

    What about the slowness of interactions? Or is there another method that we would have to create for this to be faster? Aswell as the huge fps drop when using interactions.
  10. What about the slowness of interactions? Or is there another method that we would have to create for this to be faster? Aswell as the huge fps drop when using interactions.
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