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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. It gets marked as a 3rd party client, no different to OSBuddy, as far as I know anyway
  2. Holy shit, It would be interesting to see if you were to have the same issue when using the normal client if you would be banned or not.
  3. Watercooled, right? If so what kind of temps do you get? Clocked at 4.7ghz also, but I used to see a lot of temperature spiking when I first built it, 60+ Celcius. Might have finally calmed down as the thermal compound might have set in.
  4. Some pretty good luck you have, was it doing nothing, or was it like clicking something repetitively? Is it a new account? or an Old one?
  5. I'm going to say that you are being sarcastic, but I can't tell since I don't really know you. But you could still simply be an outlier, you don't determine how other people get banned. Either way, I support the mirror client and its a pretty big step in the right direction. All I'm saying is if people are complaining that the mirror client got them banned, then it was most likely due to a mistake on their end.
  6. Though, on the topic, lets say a script is broken because the mirror client isnt quite up to snuff with it, e.g. a pest control script, yet a person still decides to use it, and it randomly gets stuck spamming a boat or something (I don't know what it would do, this is just a guess), then perhaps you COULD say that the mirror client caused my script to not perform as it should, which got me banned. Still the botters fault, not the client, but you can still see where people might be coming from. Obviously premium right? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  7. Well lets say he used to play on the normal client, and botted a lot, then suddenly changes to the mirror client out of nowhere. Then jagex might add him to the watch list, as this is something not many people do, and I'm sure jagex has spies on these forums and knows what this mirror client is.
  8. Tom

    Howdy Yall

    Do you know if a lot of the problems have been fixed yet? I know when it first came out people could hardly run any scripts for an hour
  9. Your method wont work that well, because you are never closing the bank. Conditional sleeps work good with this ive noticed. public void deposit() throws InterruptedException { if(!bank.isOpen(){ bank.open() new ConditionalSleep(3000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return bank.isOpen(); } }.sleep(); } bank.depositAllExcept("Coins"); sleep(random(150,300)); bank.close(); } } Also, your class name is a bit weird 1main.java? Rename is to main.java, youl have to rename the class inside the code as well from public 1main to public main near the top. I think this is just a convention, but you should still do it.
  10. Tom


    Will have to take a look at this, thanks mate. Check back here soon for a fix Edit: Posted a fix.
  11. Tom


    Everytime, or just a one off?
  12. Because he asked what console to buy
  13. Im going to give you my opinion. I would usually say PS4, but since with the upcoming windows 10, Xbox One users and Windows 10 users will be able to play cross platform, thats right, you will be able to play halo, cod, etc from your pc, with your friends on xbox. So I will be going to xbox, that is for sure.
  14. You can bot those things, but botting for more than 12 hours a day is risky business.
  15. I think the location is precise, but I might be wrong.
  16. Digitalocean or volume drive are good providers.
  17. Tom


    The fishing guild works relatively well, i have a 14 hours proggy there myself. Im uploading a latest change that should help a bit with banking!
  18. Yeah, will have to do that. Dont know why I didn't just look at this from the start
  19. I was looking for a more convenient method of getting all types of banks, like npcs as well. Unless OSBot doesnt interact with npc banks, in that case I am retarded.
  20. Though it has to get the actual bank booth object / npc from somewhere right? I'm just looking for a way to access this so I can get its position when it finds one
  21. Wanting to do something like camera.toPosition(getBank().getPosition()); I don't think there is anything in built for this, that I have seen atleast. Any help appreciated
  22. I dunno, and I wanna know because I'm banned. Cheers.
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