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Everything posted by Aap

  1. wow what a legend, just sick kid
  2. Exact what i asked you a few weeks ago still dont got a price
  3. Normal i got 100mbits. but will make 50mbits a difference, when running around 10-15 bots?
  4. think you visit your toilet more, then you visit your own website. 24 hours later no reaction. shit service for shit proxy's
  5. Aap


    only with some cheap drone's , waiting till you can fly up to 20km and longer fly time. flying for 15 minuts its wort it
  6. also bad support. what no refund. what check proxy's in the morning. no check it right now. also verry strange that with making a ticket last night. about the shitty proxy's. almost all proxy where down after i made the ticket. i'm 99% sure. you put them offline just to fuck me, because i complain again about the proxy's
  7. Never again, bought a packet of 10 proxy's, 4 of the proxy never worked. after they get replaced, all proxy's are online/offline/online/offline. almost are proxy's have a latency of 175+ms now the 9th time in not even a month. that 6/10 proxy's are offline for longer then 6 hours. he know he sells crap proxy's but he doenst care about it. first and last time. also he act as little child on skype when you complain about the proxy's also proxy's are used before on runescape. as i said in the ticket. gived to 6 hours to replace all proxy's and oterwise refund it.
  8. that is what smoking bongs do with your brain. or he just calculate the bong in the 106m
  9. Looks great, a suggestion, made that it can store account info. so you can create a database of your accounts. same with proxy's so you can create a relation between a proxy and account. and just can select the account in the script selector. something like this, its from my own database. but would great to have something like this with cli creator.
  10. Anyone else got problems, with log-in to the game? https://gyazo.com/c1eeec5b029b1798b770860c38991b2e only happen, with osbot, not with normal client or osbuddy
  11. Hey all, want your opinion's, i already know the most of php. can build the most things in php for web development. now i want to start with a new language, to learn. But what is the best choose? and if you must choose, witch one you will use? and most of all why you would use for that one? all pure for web development. currently i think i will choose .jsp/java. the reason why. much good tutorials/books available. and can use it maybe later, for software development also. if you know a other good language, something like c++/asp.net. give your suggestions. thanks for your advice/suggestions/opinion's
  12. Aap

    pc 99 fm only

    as title say lvl 3 with 99fm with 60+wc en fletching.
  13. Aap

    Khal Wintertodt

    took me 657 games to get till 99 almost suicide
  14. already thought that, for that price i will let them rest till i am going to make a pure or something
  15. just wonder if there s a market for? lvl 3 around 62 fishing with fishing pet lvl 3 with 66 fm and phoenix pet? how much are they worth?
  16. Aap

    Khal Wintertodt

    Great script again Khaleesi. started with 3 accounts, but the 3rd account i stopped because i already got a pet after 20 crates, and want to keep the pet^^
  17. start over, get slayer staff and stay 1 attack
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