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Everything posted by Precise

  1. Ah i see the issue you are having. you can only do this if you make your own method. how i would make my own method? i would make a method which is called getNextPositionOnPath(Path path) this should return the next position in the array which is walkable. i would make a for loop which goes from path.length-1 to 0 to find which finds which position is closest to you and return it. once you get the getNextPositionOnPath(Path path) assign it to a variable called nextPosition, make a new variable called newPosition= new Position(nextPosition.getX() + ***RANDOM NUMBER***, nextPosition.getY() + ***DIFFERENT RANDOM NUMBER***, nextPosition.getZ()) then make another method called walkPath which walks to the next position, once the distance < random number, getnextPosition and walk to it etc.
  2. You can easily make it so you randomise each position when you plan on walking the preset path. Each time you call that position just randomise the x and y by 1 or more depending on the surrounding space you plan on walking through. If you want to take a completely different route either make a fair amount of pre set paths in an array, select a random number and walk that path in the array. The first one is the easiest one to do as you don't have to collect loads of data. The final way would be to retrieve the flags in the loaded region and use A* to calculate a path using the flags and checking if they are walkable. This should only be done if you have a good knowledge of how A* algorithm works and how to plement it into java. But you can load the flags 52 rules in every direction, so if you path is longer than this, use preset paths and randomise each position like I said above. I hope this helped and if you have anymore question feel free to ask ^_^
  3. Does this ever happen when you're not out of memory? because i can see you're maxed out on memory for the client. i would recommend assigning more memory to the client so this won't occur as frequently ^_^. If this still occurs when not full memory then im not too sure. An error is occurring in the onExit() of Czar's script which might be an error on either his side or the client but we won't know as the client doesn't show where the bug is.
  4. it is because your question isn't the right question to ask when asking about ban rate, no set skill as a lower ban rate than another skill, just do what I said above and you should be fine.
  5. use mirror,bot smart and bot + break for human-like periods of time and i am sure you wont have a problem.
  6. well... he/she was here first :P
  7. Nice Release your script is specific to just killing dragons compared to an AIO fighter, this means it should be better and have extra features which are specific to killing dragons. it should be more cash as this is not stable or healthy. Good luck! ^_^
  8. use any of the following parameters: So: PolygonArea poly = new PolygonArea(new Position[] {new Position(1,1,0), new Position(1,1,0), new Position(1,1,0)}); change the positions and add more etc :P
  9. I'm sure Apaec won't mind me lending a hand ;)Have a browse through the methods for inventory here: http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Inventory.html You'll see in the api you can do: inventory.dropAllExpect(NAME HERE); hope this helped.
  10. i was about to reply with this too hahah ^_^
  11. I don't mind offering a hand as I am English ^_^
  12. i would like to see the results of this done a series of times ^_^ good job! ^^
  13. place the .jar file in the following folder: Local Disk\Users\****NAME HERE***\OSBot\Scripts also, make sure you have @ScriptManifest with its details at the top of your script class. Precise.
  14. I don't mean update, you may have 2 versions of Java which are 32 and 64 bit. if you have both of these installed, remove one.
  15. If your desktop doesn't work, it will be down to having both Java 23bit and 64bit installed. i would recommend un-installing one of them completely, restart your desktop and give it another go. If not, what are you using to run the Runescape Client?
  16. actually, this isn't true. You can move your mouse using our keyboard I watched a tutorial on YouTube on how to do it years ago when I wanted to drop a shit ton of fish quickly but realised it requires practice to actually do it fast. Yes i t can be down. Is it humanlike? If it is used in a script and everyone uses it no.
  17. A* is english :P A+ i think is American, but dont hold me to that ^_^
  18. what do you mean lol? A* means the best xD (a grade to mark something in the UK)
  19. like frostbug said: List<Player> playersInArea = getPlayers().filter(new AreaFilter<Player>(YOUR_AREA)); this will return a list of all the players in the area.
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