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Everything posted by Precise

  1. does it really? i dont believe you Edit: still, this should be done by the client.
  2. Mirror client version : check gif below. Console output / terminal output: nothing. Crash report if a crash occurred no crashes. Script that you ran PreKhal Slayer. Hooks that failed: Fails to load entities in the game causing major issues when handling obstacles in a path since it thinks nothing is there and get stuck. JVM/Browser bit version (32 / 64) 64. Happens sometimes, this usually occurs after loading a new region. how to solve? restart the client which means i cannot include this fix in my script. PROOF:
  3. this has been fixed in the chatbox alek, he needed to delete his OSBot folder, restart and fixed ^_^
  4. if you removed this line: profit = ((players.getInventory().getItem("coins").getAmount()) + (242 * players.getInventory().getItem("Nature rune").getAmount())) - ((startNats * 242) + startGP); does it fix it?
  5. startLoc is a 2 dimension array of strings meaning it cannot equal a single string.
  6. why not use the name? try PositionFilter or something called that
  7. are you null checking them? post the code
  8. as a scripter i now get adverts, is this new or?
  9. nice thanks! got this trying to restart the client: restarted again and no problems ^_^ just wanted to make sure you saw
  10. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/68924-for-windows-users-experiencing-could-not-load-stream-library-error/
  11. don't use while loops unless they are necessary, try if and else if statements.
  12. you must always null check, instead of .exists do lr != null this will stop the NPE.
  13. Precise

    Lol ...

    well, without proof of him doing it from 8-12 everyday, we don't know he didn't bot. just saying this, but if this is true then Jagex are genuinely retarded.
  14. well if you dont make a dispute he wont get banned, and so he'll go scamming other people. so stop thinking about yourself and more about others.
  15. yes, or: getEquipment().interact("name of item here", "Castle Wars");
  16. which will break with an rs update equipment is just like the inventory as they are both ItemContainers. so just get the item from a slot and interact with it
  17. yes sorry, my script has a slight bug which i cannot fix until i get home from holiday. a fix is to start the script with your Quest tab open (for precise cows)
  18. add an actionlistener interface to the checkbox, then check if is selected and stuff
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