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Everything posted by Fratem

  1. Fratem


    How much are houses in USA? I'm househunting myselves in Belgium and I'm looking to pay around €250K - €300K for a decent house.
  2. Hi there, I am looking for some woodcutters, all I care about is the woodcutting level. Preferably w/o any offences on the account, if it does however have a 2 day ban, price will be significantly lower. Hit me up on Skype or in PM
  3. Fratem


    Yeah I get that point, buy why wouldn't you invest more time & money in one initial house? I'd rather do that than having to rebuild houses (as customer). I get the PoV from insurance & building companies as well though..
  4. Fratem


    I still don't get why most houses are made out of wood in USA, why not brick buildings like in EU? I get its cheaper, but a brickhouse would be more resitant to hurricane damage, no?
  5. 85cb 70hp Yes Will do Priest in peril
  6. Hi there, Looking for someone willing to do 21 - 60 agility for me on my account. Also collect the Marks of Grace please. Quote me your price here, PM me or add my Skype (in siggy).
  7. You're looking @ around 2.1m for Nature Spirit + Fairy Tale Part 1 + Fairy Tale Part 2 (start, like 3-4 steps in).
  8. Hey there fella! Good luck botting And welcome to the community
  9. how I imagine most of you whenever there is juicy drama to come
  10. I have an iPhone 7+ 128GB. I'd advise you to get the new google Pixel though if you can. More value for your $. Unless you have other Apple products (e.g. Macbook Pro) like I do, then I'd go with iPhone.
  11. Hi there, I'm looking for some fresh workers to expand my services thread. Current Status: HIRING | FULL Looking for a workers, all fields of RS are needed, this includes but is not limited to: Power Levelling, Quests, Minigames, Diaries, Account building, ... You will have to deposit oldschool RSGP. - Fully Refundable if you decide to leave, refund takes place 14 days after announcing depart. - If you however decide to leave in the first 14 days of joining as a worker, you forfeit 25% of your deposit. You are required to have a clean reputation across other sites. You must be able to use Discord and/or email (will be provided by us) to discuss orders. You must speak either English or Dutch. Deposit Ratio's: 250M -> 60% 400M -> 70% 650M -> 80% 800M -> 85% 1B+ -> Order Manager Application form : Have you read & agreed to my ToS*? : Age? : Do you agree to discuss about the deposit? : What is your Discord ? : What are you applying for? (Powerleveller/Quester/Minigames/Account Builder) : Do you have any experience with a service? : If yes, are you willing to supply proof in PM / Discord? : TOS: 1. You cannot use any form of botting or auto clicking whilst working for me, everything is HAND DONE. 2. If you disrespect me or any of your colleague workers you forfeit your deposit. 3. You will never scam in any situation. If you do you forfeit your deposit and will face the consequences. 4. Orders always have to go through me. 5. You can advertise but always put our Discord below. 6. Any order you take must be completed, if you fail to do so without a VALID* reason, you will be kicked & forfeited your deposit. 7. You must notify me when you're going to be away for a while. 8. You are not allowed to take any payment from customers on your own. Doing so will make you responsible for it and can lead to a kick from the service. 9. Any order with an account wealth/worth above your deposit might require an extra temporary deposit, this is to reassure our customers that their account is safe. *Please note that I'm a reasonable human being and that anything can be discussed.
  12. if you're still looking to buy, feel free to pass by @ www.realistgold.com
  13. Fratem


    I'm online for another 15 minutes over @ www.realistgold.com ;)
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