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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by lepurc

  1. lepurc

    RIP Aiban

    Who wouldn't want to be CBA I mean it's prob best job going, He is just being a little moany bitch
  2. Didn't you post this yesterday? If so use the BUMP button instead of re posting. Should be on the top right of your topic. Gl selling
  3. lepurc

    Lucky af

    Decode save up for the awp again.... SMH
  4. I won't need the sea to rise for me to drown, I drown in my tears for all them polar bears.
  5. All that work for that picture?
  6. Proof of this "10 man" team or was it some pleb with a freshly bought acount with full mystic and fcing?
  7. U sure u not being lured? or you might just be out right shit at pking?
  8. lepurc


    Hullo there me fren. Tbh no real good gp makers in f2p
  9. He offered me a service I needed a day a go i'm so glad I didn't rush into things and give him anything
  10. Looking to spend around 50M on a gmauler from scratch. Either add my skype Nathan_Doe2000 or post what u can offer for 50m down below
  11. Can i also add sahand asked for a update which corey gave on Sunday to him so he should of given this to Thomas https://gyazo.com/d64fe2e785166386e3e5f32b5850cc71
  12. Thomas/dynamite first used sahands services for some quests which he stated he had certain requirements and he didn't which delayed his order for a couple of days due to him not being able to provide the right items. He decided to bring it up when I was added to a group chat with him and sahand to discuss his new order and blamed coreh the person who done his first order. When i joined the chat sahand was trying to take the payment for the order which thomas was getting rude and angry about it and also towards sahand even though he was the one in the wrong place. I was told by thomas he expects 2 days no more no less, I stated to him that we give an ETA and it's never an exact time. Throughout the conversation there was an argument over numerous things and I told sahand I no longer want to do his order. I asked coreh who had done his previous order and he had said he was fine doing it and I gave him the details to the account and told him to work on it straight away. I stated to him that most of us work or go college or school in the day and doing 51-70 agility in 2 days may be a bit of an ask. I think coreh should just finish his order and then he can no longer use sahands services if he believes that he/we are arrogant and irresponsible.
  13. A very unique way of describing it but I like it
  14. Charging for Cucks Assistant Lul. Anyway GL with this
  15. Anyone with an apple ava has much power
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