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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by lepurc

  1. I'd laugh if you died lul
  2. Can you add me on skype would like to discuss some services Skype - Nathan_doe2000
  3. Add me on skype to discuss some prices on some skills?
  4. Not being rude but your sig is awfully blurry it's like a blind person made it? And welcome!
  5. lepurc

    99 Firemaking

    No need for this anymore
  6. lepurc

    New Logo

    There's enough in the size to make it appealing but no too much in it to be confusing. I think the size is perfect
  7. lepurc

    New Logo

    Looks sleek af. Looks professional but also FRICKEN TIGHT.
  8. I'll bot it for you for free?
  9. I get that then I click it again and it doesn't show me the number of new notifications so I end up reading posts i've already seen
  10. Please don't mock me, It demoralises me knowing a cat is more superior than me on a online forum.
  11. How can a cat actually post 6.5k posts? This shit fucks with my head
  12. I watched 20 seconds of it, but i can tell you will go a long way
  13. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/781a96cb09a6c5741c341e40f169cf5f 2. Pictures of the login details https://gyazo.com/8e03bde90c8fcc551e9e76356986b669 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Rune Armor. 4. Pictures of the quests completed https://gyazo.com/23018e17ae85ccdee5b3f0e60f3c2225 5. The price you will be starting bids at 4m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 8m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting O7 GP 8. Your trading conditions I'll go first if above 50 fb or we use MM 9. Pictures of the account status https://gyazo.com/58483019260176f09715de6c32e21cb2 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I used a random email generator for the email and the account is linked to my personal one so it will be changed. I'm the OO
  14. lepurc

    20 def/Initiate

    Ahhh yes maybe the way I put it confused people. Im sorry it if did you
  15. lepurc

    20 def/Initiate

    You have 7 fb? I'm not going to spend 30m+ on an account if u recover it u have nothing to lose on this website?
  16. lepurc

    20 def/Initiate

    Don't "really" If u were say chuckles I would but you aren;t
  17. lepurc

    20 def/Initiate

    I don't really buy accounts due to the risks.
  18. Far right? I'm glad i'm not hitler worthy
  19. Not got members was trained in f2p and idk hit me with a price and ill tell u if it's acceptable
  20. https://gyazo.com/d4ac919b443f94de33f42e1c7dbc55db got this
  21. lepurc


    How does one have so many kids? It's like he bought his wife's.
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