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Mo Shop

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Everything posted by Mo Shop

  1. 1. Combat Level: 51 ) 2.) 3.)Does come with full zammy and book of law. 4.) Significiant Quests Completed -Horror from the deep -Death Plateua -Dwarf Cannon -Priest in Peril 5.) Starting Bid: $30 or 20m osrs 6.) Autowin: N/A 7) Paypal Preffered 8) Trading conditions , you go first or middle man. 9) 10) I'm the original owner of acc and email address
  2. Yep, they ko'd the game with the release of eoc
  3. I'd say because its user friends, no 2 hour turn off if not vip.
  4. Nice man! Was it a maxed acc? Kinda curious on the build :p
  5. Goo question... I have no idea!
  6. Hey @xgate I will check with mods/admin also nefore i do!
  7. Ive been banned like 4 months ago, was botting str xp at yaks, 4 hours a day, 2 hour periods.. idk how they caught me
  8. I heard you need to have an acc for atleast 2 weeks then ur safer from botting.
  9. Hey man I was curious if you ever got a response from em...
  10. Hahaha kinda funny.. dont think this is real dough ;p
  11. Theyre really strict on botter now. They got like a super duper detection system
  12. I'd be careful man, after a warning ban... the next time they catch u , u perm banned . not good
  13. Welcome Back Man, I just made this new acc, plan to be more active than before!
  14. Hi im Mo Shop! I'm not new to this forum, but not the most active either. This is just a new account because I wanted a better name for professional services. Anyways with this acc I plan to rent accounts and sell gold! Excited to join the community (even though ive been in it for 2 years ).. And renting acc's is legal right? How much do you guys think a maxed combat 123 would rent for for a week in 07 gold? It has barrow gloves, piety. Doesnt have venge or 94 mage. So once again Hi!
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