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Everything posted by anthonychloeaj

  1. anyway to run the citizen house chests on my uim jw cuz i been trying it and it just keeps wanting to bank
  2. they get distracted every 90 seconds for about 17 to 18 pickpockets that u never fail on and doesnt require any food at all thats why i was wondering . no failing at all through that method. but for a script i guess i get the point since its doing it for you lol.
  3. is it possible to only do wealthy citizens only when they are distracted ?
  4. ive been running fruit stalls and cake stalls with no food its been working havent had to have food yet, sure i will soon though.
  5. does this support uim at all like if i steal from a stall will it only drop the items i steal or my whole invy? jw lol
  6. does this at all support fixing the pipes that break on blast furnace pump world? couldn't find it just thought id ask.
  7. could i trial this? love your scripts!
  8. is there a reason why i choose north on ammonite crabs and instead of it standing in the tile thats highlighted automatically from the script it runs back and fourth threw 3 crabs instead of just standing in the box? am i setting something up wrong maybe? okay nevermind i figured it out lol. didnt realize the activity made it run around and attack stuff.
  9. i cant seem to find it on my script selector i tried restarting the bot and everything hmm.
  10. could i trial this? really wanting to add a chinning script to my list!.
  11. oh im sorry didnt even know ive trialed this before ive bought alot of scripts so believe me im not trying to over due anything lol thank you though!
  12. how long is the trial i just saw this but cant find it on my scripts page.
  13. can i have a trial to check this out?
  14. when doing it on my ultimate iron it tries to put it in bank where it says your bank cant hold the items, will it still equp the angler ourfit ? thats the only thing im worried about getting lol.
  15. damn i trialed alot of shit i guess haha ill just buy it your scripts are always great!
  16. its working now i think maybe an update messed with it a bit last week.
  17. does this script have a problem with using iron knives or anything because when i try to set up the script it just keeps logging out, but only does it when im trying to start it with knives
  18. @Khaleesi oh my bad, i own alot of your script didnt remember trialing it maybe didnt get to it in time to use it. thanks though!
  19. i like the scip, but as far as world hopping goes when it sees a pker it just keeps scrolling down the world list instead of clicking one lol.
  20. looking for a decent pray script could i get a trial please?
  21. could i trial this please? been looking for a good crab script thank you!
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