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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. Need to launch OSBot with Java 8.
  2. yes, you need to grab the charid and sessionid using a packet sniffer and set the env vars for a 30 day active token, then launch osb. SET JX_CHARACTER_ID="CHARID" SET JX_DISPLAY_NAME="DoesntMatter" SET JX_SESSION_ID="SessID"
  3. launch the original OSBot jar not via Jagex Launcher.
  4. yes you need VIP to run more than one client/bot.
  5. you can start writing scripts without VIP, you don't need a membership on OSBot to write scripts.
  6. usually a white screen means the IP is being blocked. (e.g. a VPN)
  7. do you have the supplies already? is it darts or bows?
  8. No, in order to get the 15% discount you would have needed to purchase the scripts after lifetime sponsor.
  9. Please refrain from trading with this user.

  10. plenty of people have success in botting and turning a profit. Blaming OSBot won't do you any good. OSBot is very much still alive.
  11. very insightful thanks! Could you possibly i dont know provide a bit more information?
  12. Dependent on whether or not you're wearing rogues outfit, using dodgy necklaces, your thieving level. A lot of factors go into it. At 82 it's closer to 3m/h
  13. in his original post it says Mode is currently being updated...
  14. AWS Solutions Architect or whatever your preferred cloud provider is.
  15. 1. Open OSBot - click "Patch Game client" 2. Move your OSBot to your applications folder if you haven't already 3. Rename it "OSBot.jar" 4. in your top field, where it says "Path to OSBot jar", paste this "/Applications/OSBot.jar" 5. where it says "Game Client To Patch" paste the following: "/Applications/Runelite.app/Contents/Resources/config.json " 6. Relaunch Jagex Launcher. 7. Choose Runelight as the client. 8. OSBot will load up as normal. try this again.
  16. No it's not a guarantee. Ban appeals are almost entirely random.
  17. click unpatch the same way you patched it.
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