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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. I believe it's in the works but not high priority due to the small userbase who use macs for farms.
  2. Running just fine for me. Make sure to download the latest client version from the website.
  3. try replacing C:\Users\YOURNAME\OSBot\Local\jre with an adoptium version of JRE for linux
  4. https://adoptium.net/ for future reference
  5. make sure your project language level is set to 8. and your project SDK is set to 8 as well
  6. no CLI parameter currently is available, the bot manager is currently the only way.
  7. you need to launch the legacy client from the jagex launcher. The C++ client and runelite won't work.
  8. need to use legacy client, https://oldschool.runescape.com/download?force_test=control
  10. yes you can sell EFT currency (assuming EFT is Escape From Tarkov) in the Market -> Other section
  11. it's been 24hrs, give him time to reply.
  12. I would recommend learning the basics of Java (and programming) in general before attempting to write a script. //pseucode for what i was talking about below List worldList = [301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309] int x = 0; //zero is beginning of an array if wantToWorldhop(){ worlds.hop(worldList[x]); x++; //x is now 1, x will not hop to 302 next time of calling worlds.hop(worldlist[x]) }
  13. eli5: create a list of worlds you want to hop to, iterate through that list's index, hop to worldList[x]
  14. delete C:\users\YOURNAME\osbot and then re-launch client
  15. the img might need to be in the /osbot/data/ folder as well.
  16. drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, ImageObserver observer); It looks like you're inputting a null x coord, try doing g.drawImage(background, 300, 300, null);
  17. VIP has access to VIP only scripts, however, all scripts (besides those designated for VIP+ only) are available to everyone.
  18. you need an @ScriptManifest big dog
  19. Thank you for confirming you weren't actually scammed. //closed
  20. Thanks for this. I'll give him a chance to respond just for the sake of the dispute, but this should be closed pretty soon. Appreciate your cooperation. @Thebrasini you have 24h to respond or ima just close this.
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