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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. I can do this. Discord = sheepwaffle can discuss pricing on disc. Shouldn't be too bad!
  2. SET JX_CHARACTER_ID="CHARID" SET JX_DISPLAY_NAME="DoesntMatter" SET JX_SESSION_ID="SessID" java -jar osbot.jar set these env vars on your machine (obv edited with your charid, session id) and then launch osbot as seen below, will launch osb with jagex acc logged in already.
  3. Lifetime Sponsor is VIP for life, correct. Just poor wording on whoever wrote the forum ranks section.
  4. you can also add me on discord @ sheepwaffle if you need further assistance.
  5. have you tried using wine ? You can probably patch that way natively
  6. https://osbot.org/forum/forum/250-tutorials/
  7. unpatch the client when you want to play on your account legit.
  8. You have runelite installled, correct?
  9. Launch the legacy client from jagex launcher
  10. cancel active subscription in paypal.
  11. if you're proxying your local network and you run osbot using your local network, yes.
  12. chat is moving so fast no one will see that i eat bananas with the peel on
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