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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Any Ideas?

    I ended up using the getskill method and it works ;) Thanks for the extra info
  2. Chris

    Any Ideas?

    Im testing it now
  3. if (!myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving()) { if (!myPlayer().isUnderAttack() && Guard.isVisible()) { Guard.interact("Attack"); sleep(random(500, 1000)); } else { camera.toEntity(Guard); } } } if (myPlayer().getHealth() <=30 && getInventory().contains("Lobster")) { inventory.getItem("Lobster").interact("Eat"); sleep(random(600, 1200)); } I get this issue when running http://gyazo.com/32407f7a8337725e1ea21a0d621e325d It would return to attack then eat a lobster when it is already full health
  4. How do I make a .jar in IntelliJ? my skype is: osbotsinatra1
  5. @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (!inventory.contains("Lobster")&&MONSTER_AREA.contains(myPlayer())){ if (!BANK_AREA.contains(myPlayer())){ getLocalWalker().walkPath(PATH_TO_BANK); //walk to bank }else{ RS2Object bankBooth = (RS2Object)this.objects.closest(new String[] {"Bank booth"}); if (bankBooth != null){ if (bankBooth.interact("Bank")) { //checks if it will return true new ConditionalSleep(10000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getBank().isOpen(); } }.sleep(); if (getBank().isOpen()){ getBank().withdrawAll("Lobster"); sleep(random(377, 544)); } } bank.close(); log("STATE:. BANKED"); } } } if (!MONSTER_AREA.contains(myPlayer())){ getLocalWalker().walkPath(PATH_TO_MONSTER); log("STATE: WALKING BACK"); } This is the code I am dealing with. I want it to go from Varrock Palace to Varrock west bank and use the booth. Then head back to the guards. What am I doing wrong here and how can I improve my code?
  6. Chris

    Price check

    20 att 61 str 1 def 1 pray 44 range 71 mage 47 cmb No registered email
  7. 36m has been Paid. Sorry for the understanding here. image removed as it contained rsn's
  8. Windows 10 is coming 00 :10 :40 :25 DAYS HOURS MINUTES SECONDS
  9. because your MMR is balancing itself out
  10. Skype is osbotsinatra1
  11. please add it then so a mod can review it. @Dex Please let me know. I will be giving ridnem another 20m when he comes back online to complete the 36m gold for the account transaction.
  12. I am waiting for Ridnem to reply. I will only have 16m available until I can buy more gold. I have school till 3pm EST/EDT and i will be available afterwards 16m/36m Given for account transaction.
  13. add rsn: Dad L he sells for 100k each.
  14. This was a joke for me. I retitled to sold for 10m because of one person who kept harassing for selling it already. I am waitin for Ridnem to come online as he just went to sleep. I will be able to provide 36m tomorrow.
  15. try cowboom lenovo laptops for under 500
  16. no joke my vps is flagged and im still going strong. made 2 73 hunter accounts and 3-64 mage atm..INJECTION..
  17. i get this error.. any ideas?
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