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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  2. i dont think item ids ever change but objects ids sometimes do. It will be easier to just use names for objects incase of a rs update. Hope my nooby self helped somewhat
  3. ahh well im off to sleep
  4. private int lootCount; //bla if(condition 1){ lootCount++; //the basics but work with } or lootCount += getInventory.getamount() ///blagh g2d.drawstring.........("Loot gained: "+lootCount+,9,99); So now we have the price of our item but we dont know how many items we have fished, cut, cooked, made. To work this out you would have the following code either in your onMessage() method where by every time the client detects "You cut a log" you add one to the variable ItemsMade or you would add one to the same variable each time you were inside for example the crafting method of your runecrafting script. Either way the code for that is as follows: itemsMade += 1; Source: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/59590-the-full-paint-tutorial-all-aspects-covered-pug-tutorials/
  5. not true. Linux / Mac is supported but has a few issues
  6. it happens every once and a while. i missed out on the trial tho because i was only 10 agility and i needed that course
  7. equips it idk it works for me This is how i use it if (!getTabs().getOpen().equals(Tab.INVENTORY)) getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); getEquipment().equip(EquipmentSlot.RING,"Ring of dueling(8)");
  8. try inside your Inventory class private Script scriptInstance; public Inventory(Script scriptInstance){ this.scriptInstance = scriptInstance; }
  9. getEquipment().equip(EquipmentSlot.RING,"Ring of dueling(8)");
  10. !getEquipment().isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.RING)
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