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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. UPDATE VRK-28.0: Changes to the new mouse profile. Increased speed with no flow variety for constant speed. Adjusted the blowpipe only special trigger. It now should enable special more often when only using blowpipe. Adjusted the eating priority. Removed/Changed edge cases preventing eating. Added more checks to prevent eating while a special attack is out/or just started.
  2. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    works fine for me Script Version 3.4 Testing Mirror mode + OSBot's new mouse option progress picture 45-71 Agility
  3. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    UPDATE AGI-3.5: Added zoom out feature on script start for better script performance. Updated mouse profile for OSBot's new mouse option mode.
  4. Updated the main thread page information.
  5. It does not currently but I will add it to the loot list for the next version Just stick with Mirror Mode . Make sure you take good breaks and don't bot long hours also! No sorry, I don't handle refunds. You are responsible for your account, I am not. It is your responsibility to manage how active you are with botting.
  6. UPDATE DRG 25.0: Fixed an issue where the death office code was triggered if someone died near you or you died. Why is this an issue? Well before when the deaths office was added, when you died no npc named "Death" popped up near you. So i only kept the code to trigger when that npc was found, because when you died the frist time after that update it took you to Death's office with a NPC "Death". NOW jagex added a NPC to spawn named "Death" everytime a player dies. Silly me to think they wouldn't change anything. Fixed an issue where you would be stuck in the deaths office dialogue loop when the above was falsely triggered OR you disconnect from the game. Still doing more testing to find other potential freezes. But I know the above fixes fixed one of the issues of the script just sitting there and eventually freezing.
  7. Yes it is still the same and it was updated at 2020-10-23 11:38:13 Please let me know how it goes! I would love your log files after you run it for an hour or two. I just finished with my school assignments so ill put more focus on this for the current weekend
  8. Can you try again? I made a change.
  9. Apparently there is a client freezing issue happening. I will need more time to take a look at this issue. If you are experiences heavy memory load please leave the following information down below. System OS(Windows x, etc): System java installation(Java jdk x.x.x/Open JDK/ other): Client version: Client type (mirror/injection): Script Dragon Mode: Client logger(settings -> client logger): Other information(if you can recreate a bug please leave extra info):
  10. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    14.937% repeating of course
  11. UPDATE VRK-26.5: Fixed the backup price grabber (RS Pricing) Adjusted the health % needed to trigger the special attack down to 70% from 77% when using blowpipe only mode. Fixed an issue with blowpipe & bgs combo mode where it would never attempt to use the bandos special attacks.
  12. I'm working on the bp/bgs issue right now. been busy with school + work sorry. I should have a fix by today (10/15/2020)
  13. make a py script to get available ports and write to a new file "launch.bat"
  14. All trials should be requested through my script discord channel. I will not respond to comments on osbot for trial requests. Link is at the top of the main thread.
  15. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    Trials are handled through my discord. Please see the main thread top content for a link.
  16. only for wilderness modes is it required, though the script was intended for shield wearers but due to new limitations from jagex it works but i am not responsible for deaths
  17. kekw nice mods

    1. Muffins


      nice animu posting

    2. Rick



  18. UPDATE VRK-26.0: Fixed a bank deposit bug dealing with the item filter. when you run your blowpipe dart as 'Rune dart' it would not deposit the Rune dart tip loot table item. Changed the filter around and tested it. Fixed the custom deposit handler case for checking if bank qty was set to ALL. Now it properly registers and uses the script antiban fatigue getNextLoopCycle() command to make the deposit speeds randomized over script time. Fatigue is incremented over bot time to introduce slow downs. If you do not have it set to all, it will use OSBot's default constant deposit speed bank handler. Future VRK-27.0:
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