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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Nico niiii

  2. Chris

    Nico niiii

  3. when you buy a script you own it for the scripts lifetime.
  4. I feel the new webwalking update is causing missclicks. I'll have to resort to creating a custom fixing for accuracy. (turning the camera and clicking the map) Good to hear. I will be looking into the issues all day today. Update v7.91 will be the fixed version. I recommend using graveyard or lava maze green dragon modes for now if west dragons have multiple issues. Went ahead and authed you a second time. Enjoy
  5. Graveyard / Lava maze dragons for now. Had to fix other problems with west
  6. will be fixed in the next update. I have plenty of other options to get to wilderness green dragons.
  7. What bugs? If you are safespotting you need to start the script at your safespot. I explain this in the thread Manual and have pictures of the supported spots for best gp/hr.
  8. is it using webwalking? Have you tried CLI options (lowCPU + lowResource)?
  9. real professional bitch
  10. 3- 5 times Hop over -> hop to safe -> hop worlds -> repeat interface pops up with disable feature
  11. I'll check it out. might have happened if the inventory did not load when world hopping
  12. what are your settings? what did the status say?
  13. done Yeah usually its issues with the webwalker. I recommend using a different route to bank. like glory to bank or use graveyard mode or lava maze mode Walking issue could be fixed ingame by turning off the wilderness warning.
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