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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Correct. To run more than 2 accounts you will need to buy Osbot VIP membership. As a free member you are entitled to 2 bot tabs on 1 client. With VIP you can use the client on multiple PCs and have multiple clients open.
  2. can give u skype of someone that does it for 15m/acc
  3. skype on my profile or i am in the chatbox if u wnna talk friend
  4. Chris


    added u sakamoto
  5. i dont know how to determine ban rate I dont bot for many hours unless I need to thoroughly check something. try doing a few hours a day
  6. nice I have a matchingn one
  7. when you open the client and click play the script should come up i gave you another trial
  8. Yup im fixing up the gui green dragon expansion to include AntiPK actions. Everything should be toggable in v7.92
  9. Graveyard mode and lava maze mode should be working. West mode is being looked in to atm. Gave you a trial to check it out
  10. Found the problem and pushed a fix. Disable 'Eat: Full @Bank' Option in the gui for now. That is causing the problem No it does not
  11. Yeah thats a problem with the inventory not loading correctly when it hops worlds.
  12. was working for me.. weird. I'll do more testing. do another mode for now
  13. How does it get stuck? It should be looting. I ran the script on 2 accounts for hours before I pushed the update.
  14. Update v7.91 Eat to full option (GUI) Fixed: wilderness warning issue Fixed: issues with looting bag Updated: Script GUI Fixed: issues with banking Updated: interactions Fixed: issues with antifire *if any issues come up send me enough information.* Added other stuff I forgot Added: ruby/diamond e switching during kills to Brutal Black Dragons Beta* Updated: combat and avoiding checks to Brutal Black Dragons Beta* Quote me with suggestions to add. Check the thread manual if you need help with any settings. Part 2 of the expansion is coming soon(in the GUI). Should have been in your client area in payments but the monthly payments have been removed. Script is now a one-time fee. You can purchase it in the store Looks like a webwalker error. is it happening all the time?
  15. looking yo add it on the expansion 2 of the new gui im building. how would you want it to work?
  16. stop spamming for post count bro

    1. Chris
    2. nasty


      Am sorry mate, legit only wanted to put something on the account market lmfao got myself dedicated to that 100 pc besides i atleast gave proper answers to the topic :3

  17. i think it was botting bro
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