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  1. Script opens bank then logs out? Edit: Logger says cant find needle or thread, but they are both there.
  2. doesn't use npc contact to fix pouxhes at zmi and lavas dont work at all, it makes fire runes every trip.
  3. this script and motherload arent working since update?
  4. Yeah, that is snape grass with white lilies with 90+ farm. not using amulets of bounty at all Bot runs pretty flawlessly, I've had several 24H+ progs. 18k allotments and still no pet
  5. Start script and it opens bank and just sits there forever. Is this client side or script?
  6. Bank pin solver is not working as of this morning? Or is it just me?
  7. Yeah idk. I've tried everything I can think of, doesnt want to run for me at all. Just opens the bank chest then closes it and logs me out.
  8. try to start bot to run gold bars with glove switch and it just stands there then logs me out. Must be doing something wrong in the setup.
  9. So far, very impressed. This is the first script i've used in awhile that reminds me of the old flawless script days.
  10. May I have a trial please?
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