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Everything posted by Mystical

  1. If it is a 2 day ban and not pernament, then yes the offence is removed/expired after 1 year. If you get caught again before the 1 year expires it will be pernament.
  2. .... You are banned for 2 days but the offence stays on your account for 1 year. Read it properly.
  3. I don't think it has to do with detection but more about pattern of the script or to those who left it overnight, constant failures of logging in.
  4. This happened to me before on another of Czar scripts, and its not his fault. I was given good advice that 07 updates every Wednesday night and so to not bot on that day. Been fine ever since.
  5. Czar #1.. always used to get banned.. Got mirror and his script and can bot 10-12 hours/day no breaks. Going to try out Khal when im done with what czar has to offer :P
  6. Well I mean you're not supposed to bot on your main lol... dont need 99 rc to enjoy the game and you should always have your cash and valuable items on another account.. thats common sense
  7. Or maybe you thought you could get away with still having the script after disputing it and keeping your money.. but then the script got removed now you want to get it back.. lmao :P
  8. Cant be serious..any logical person would isolate the variable of the two accounts and would figure out that the seniority of the account had something to do with it... No, but for real. Really?
  9. You can purchase broad bolts with tickets? or do you mean barbed bolts? .. and isnt rune arrows better
  10. That just has to do with world dc and I guess the script you're using has it so after a failed attempt it stops the script
  11. Hell no...why would I want to increase the chance of my own account getting banned for using the same script. And the coincidence of that happening is mindblowing.
  12. I never understood why botters report other botters.. just making Jagex look into the pattern of the script and add it to their detection lol
  13. I think if the scripter can justify the price (supply, time put into it, etc) it should be fine. Typically most of the scripts on osbot are up to $10 though
  14. My new comp blew up, old comp sits at 25% CPU for mirror.. makes no sense lmfao
  15. He doesn't give out trials, it's working perfectly fine. No need for one. Only reason other scripters give trials is because theres mixed reviews on how the script is working (bugs, et.c)
  16. Need to be a more informed consumer and read the pinned topics on mirror mode, aka mirror doesn't support mac
  17. I agree but again you shouldn't get any heart attack based on the timing that bans do occur. Jagex doesn't do bans Fri-Sun and on weekdays its usually all before ~12pm est
  18. If it's a good script with multiple options, $4.99 should be an easy sell. $10 (as someone suggested) is the cost of much more complex script like imps, blast furnance, etc. Some options to think about: - Multiple houses - Butler support - Oak door support On another note, should do free trials of 24hr so people can test and see if they want to purchase it.. or you can release it for free as like a beta until you feel there are no bugs and is worthy to be considered a premium script. This is also good because people will be more inclined to buy it since they are "hooked on it" if you get what I mean. Good luck, and grats on release. Personally won't use this since I would just want 50
  19. I still don't get why people don't understand this... The ban that expires in 1 year, just means you won't have access to your account for 2 days. If you commit an offence again before that 1 year expires, then you will get a pernament ban. There's a difference between the expiry of the offence and the duration of the ban.
  20. Can anyone imagine doing this legit... lmao
  21. Mystical

    Mouse Spazzes

    Is it safe to use .65 version of osbot? Using the current version and versions before that one makes the mouse spazz a little still. And is there going to be a fix of this?
  22. Why does it take this long.. what lol
  23. wont be mystery 100%.. used his script tons of times
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