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Everything posted by Mystical

  1. Wow.. that cheap for using like no CPU? ;/
  2. Yes it lessens the risk when you are member (they usually crack down on f2p bots a lot more) but by all means it does not mean you will not get banned. However, if you are going to be using mirror and a good premium script, your ban rate will be very low.
  3. Yeah you should be fine running the 6 hours till logout... also switching up scripts would help.
  4. Not going to lie, I accidently left this script on as well your ankou script for 2 days (was out) and came back and they were still running and no ban legit bro
  5. Pretty sure that's where its at. Just make sure you got d bow. I have 80 range and i get that xp as well.
  6. I think this needs to be adressed ASAP.. Khal as well as the few other well-known script writers contribute the majority of the scripts that are used by a lot of users like myself and it's a shame that we experience these bugs due to the mirror client. Yes, we can use the standard client, but it is unfair having to pay for VIP monthly and also the script writer for their premium scripts so we can bot safely, and in the end are not getting our money's worth. I understand fixes like this takes time, but would be nice to have the developer of the mirror client to make a topic with some sort of ETA (even though they are not usually kept) but at least so we all know something is being done. Or somehow find a way to allocate more manpower and time to get this solved, because all I see are the same issues of high CPU and other things being brought up and nothing being done (or shown publicly that their is an effort) RANT OVER
  7. I understand the frustration you have with this, but would be nice if you could put up a list of the errors that are caused by mirror so we know what to bug you about. I just feel people will think you're ignoring them and this is a good way to show that you aren't in some way.
  8. Yeah was wondering the ETA on this script.. By the way if you do plan on making this premium, I think adding options like Teleing via dueling ring to castle wars to bank for bones and then using house teleport for those in yanille would make it a lot faster...
  9. In my opinion, this game is a drug.. if you have been off it for a while, just stay off. I mean unless you are bored out of ur mind and have nothing else better to do with your time then go ahead
  10. Yes, but I got banned usually a week after the first offence.. But again this was using the same script and at that time (months ago) when there was no mirror.
  11. Pretty good script so far, 33-70 in a few days. Getting 40k/hr now
  12. Seems mirror pretty much helped 90% of these posts to not be banned
  13. Same. Btw is there a reason you guys are collectng data after the update today? Did something happen?
  14. Your sig says 45 hrs.. so you botted only ~2 days? ..
  15. Lmao ya'll taking botting to the next level with mirror huh... And to answer your question you could always not put in details for your login so it will auto log you at 6hrs and since there is no details it wont log you back in.
  16. Yeah.. like i used the free one as well and even though it had a few bugs, mirror saved me and didnt get a ban
  17. Would be nice to know if you botted using any other script, if you been banned on another acc on the same ip, if you were using mirror (i assume yes), if your other acc's got banned....etc
  18. Ok D bow, but how about for max range gear? I don't have void so is full black d'hide, archer helm, ava's accumalator good enough? Don't think Fury or any other expensive gear like arma would be a good idea... What you think? Also maybe Czar can answer this, but I don't get how this does not have such a high ban rate if you're literally spam clicking for like hours lol. I understand there are tons of proggies suggesting that it can run 24+hrs and no bans.. i just dont get how since jagex detection for pattern will defintely show
  19. Not sure if this is a myth but does armor or bow or both contribute to how much exp you get? If so, which armor/bow would be best in terms of most expensive to least? Thanks.
  20. Mirror doesnt support Mac at this time.
  21. cause your not vip ggs
  22. lmao what?.. nothing happens, just 2 day ban lol
  23. im assuming using mirror mode? my 3 other acc's using the MTA script without mirror got banned all around 80-85 mage lol.
  24. Finally a script like this is released...I wish I could help you test this as I have the cash but I don't want to use it on my acc until i get my other stats up good luck!
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