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Everything posted by Mystical

  1. I see why blast furnance ban rate is so high.. prob has to be checked frequently.
  2. With gay marriage legalized, you should just go marry him
  3. you mean make sure you use fixed mode ;)
  4. Yeah it's very much possible to implement the Loginbot to stop logging in after a certain # of attempts.
  5. No one can tell you what contributed "more" to you getting banned, there are way too many mistakes you could have possibly made it seems. Best is to forget all of that and delete all jagex files + osbot. Get a new ip. Restart everything. FYI you get banned more easily from skilling
  6. Looks fine.. definitely recognize the lower CPU!
  7. I remember the day when I had no way of buying things online.. sucks haha Best way is to bot rsgp and sell it on here to those trusted people for VIP bond or whatever its called
  8. Not sure but noticed it a week or two ago
  9. Mystical

    VIP cancelled

    It's been said on countless threads and on a pinned topic to cancel through Paypal and not on the site directly... GL
  10. They don't do bans on the weekend? lol
  11. Create other account, bot money making scripts and use that towards someone working on your account. There's always some way to get $10-20, can't expect people to spoon feed you
  12. If you are using this script, you need mirror aka VIP. Ban rate imo is like 0%, though there are a few unlucky people that have said they got banned, some of which were using 2 bots at the same time
  13. I made this mistake several times and I've learnt to transfer every night before I go to bed lol
  14. You didn't even say what script you were using.
  15. Completely honest, I used to get banned literally every month using premium script without mirror. Now with mirror, no bans after 3 months and I bot overnight sometimes too. You're just not botting smart.
  16. Either I run it for 10-12 hours during the day and turn it off at night or just run the full 20 hours day and night lol
  17. Sorry, so what courses are flawless so far in mirror for this script? (Canifis +)
  18. 95 range thus far from 33... almost 99!
  19. You probably have experienced this yourself but the majority including myself recognize the difference. I always used to get banned and ever since mirror I can run even more hours in the same location and nothing.
  20. Mystical


    wow wtf this i have never seen...
  21. now im scared to bot haha
  22. The problem is you dont know how to bot
  23. Not much diff between sponsor & VIP lol.. better off getting lifetime sponsor so you never have to pay again
  24. So you had 3 accounts running the same script..prob raised your chances of getting caught if Jagex sees 3 accounts under the same IP lol. Surprisingly you're the first one to get banned using Czar so I have no clue what you been doing lols
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