Can u add profit counter to the paint + hide option?
EDIT: can u make it if we don't have pirate's treasure quest done to continue the dialogue and etc?
Which package(s) do you want: 40 Fishing
How much accounts do you want: 1
Do you accept the TOS: Yes
Payment methode: OSRS
Added me on skype:Yes
Your skype: Talking to u atm.
[icon or signature]Signature
[Name you want it to say]Progamerz and other one death dead if possible
[Font: (optional, but thicker fonts look better in sigs;leave blank if you don't really give a shit)]: Any good ones
: any good looking
[Overall theme] : classic
[Graphic (optional)]
[Any other instruction/preferences]skype : and link to my services which i will do it through hyperlink.