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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Jordy

  1. Great! that's amazing! this will help scripters with big scripts so much!
  2. Jordy

    BETA v1.7.36

    You guys work so hard. thanks so much
  3. Jordy

    BETA v1.7.35

    I don't think that the client recognizes the first trade screen?
  4. Jordy

    BETA v1.7.35

    Alrighty then. i'll give it a tryy
  5. Jordy

    Clean up

    it definately would be but then again if there was an important post by the user (say it was a moderator who made a rules thread or something like an important announcement), it would be gone..so it'd be sort of difficult for the automated system to delete them since it wouldn't know what's inside the thread..
  6. Jordy

    Clean up

    A clean up more or so is what i'm suggesting, moving any user's post(s) that are permanently banned to the archive or atleast certain one's such as service thread's things like that. maybe assigning sectional moderators to do so. i'm sure there's plenty of people willing to spend time doing so just to make it easier to find the right service's and so on so forth.
  7. thats great good job guys! so glad i've been with you for as long as i have
  8. Yes, however as stated in the OP, long-term support for OSBot 1 will still be available after the release of OSBot 2. The ability for OSBot 2 to handle OSBot 1 scripts has been considered as well. I've had plenty of time. I'm getting really irritated with all these script developers thinking I don't have enough time or that we're stealing money. We've paid script developers before, we will keep paying them. This is a legal buisness, not an illegal operation. This website's income is taxed and has to go through a process before it falls into the hands of script developers. That takes time. This reply is simply intended for you only, it's for everyone. Simply because I do not reply to the thread within minutes does not mean anything disturbing. I hope that most of your concerns were answered with the previous reply. As for web-walking, we've dumped data from about 1.3K map regions in RuneScape which is about 90% of the world map. We will be using this data with a combination of efficient algorithms to make web-walking fully automated and dynamic. It has not been fully planned however our development team has discussed the various options and we believe the right one will be written for OSBot 2. More info on web walking will be released as more development arises. Also, for those concerned that OSBot will support RS3. RS3 support will not be released right away. OSBot 2 will be designed in a way that an RS3 bot could be integrated. This does not mean that we are not focusing on 07. 07scape will come first. RS3 support will be a special update scheduled for OSBot 2. thank's for the info laz !
  9. Wow, i may not have been here from the beginning but i've seen so many great updates! thanks laz and maxi! great job!
  10. Jordy

    A new forum rank

    thanks , its a pretty simple idea honestly.
  11. Jordy

    A new forum rank

    this would make people fake sponsor colours to make it look like they are "trusted" (idk where the sponsor = trusted idea came from, and i know its bs but theres people that take sponsor as a sign of legitimacy) i guess i should have gone into more detail then. i should have said that the colors that you can choose from be one's that aren't already used for current ranks. therefore no more problem of the "fake sponsor's"..i'm sure that there's a tool you can use as vb has one do they not?
  12. Jordy

    A new forum rank

    selectable glow's (a selection of colors to choose from that you can have you username glow as..) and a pip ofc...possibly a section on the forums...? since if you buy this you might as well have a section as vip and sponsor has one..
  13. sent him my acc. its stuck in the random. hopefully he can fix with my acc or others .
  14. 90 fishing! 9 more levels to go! :)

  15. Jordy

    safe to bot?

    alk. you can never know. if you don't want to get banned. simply don't bot.
  16. the id must have changed on the frogs when they arrive because the client doesn't even notice them.
  17. try using an earlier version of the bot until they fix this
  18. 87 fishing, 12 levels to go. almost half way there :'( so sad to think about hahaha. oh well.

  19. Jordy


    Welcome back! hopefully you guys can get a lot done now :]
  20. really can't wait to play this. stay alive!
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