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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Jordy

  1. technically i'd just have to drop it to 5k to make it a 75% discount accord to zybez >.> lol bought the bars lol cba to do all that smelting, did it with 20k iron ores though lol, so much time manual smithing. those 100k knives profited well though :p
  2. do you mean at a 75% discount? im confused my bad lol.
  3. cause its so much profit to be made over timeee!!! :p plus once you hit 86 smithing you have to have a good amount of money to spend on all of those rune bars!
  4. adamant smithing sucks. no one wants to buy anything adamant, its just kinda "there". I had made 3500 addy axes cause of smithing and i'm selling them cheap compared to everyone else (6k ea) and i still have 2300 -.- and i made 500 addy scims cause i got to 75 smith and its been 3 days and i've only sold 450, its so SLOW!!!! UGHHHHH lol sorry wanted this off my chest.
  5. Jordy


    thanks! keeps getting better and better
  6. was anyone a fan of the "subway" skin, because if so you should suggest "shift" its nice. http://www.ipbfocus.com/skindemo/?s=4d8f8f2046b58d61f3580f3cd7a65eba&
  7. Jordy


    just checkin in to see how everyone's doing.
  8. Paid for a client bg yesterday. still haven't heard back after he logged out 2 hours after i paid him his partial payment.
  9. Jordy

    Gallery, need c/c.

    thank you guys, i cant share what it is because it's against the rules. I hope to get better haha. I'm not only designing the logo currently. I'm working on some button's too and those are a lot easier to be content with just because they have less detail to them in my opinion but everyone's different when it comes to how detailed they want their work to be
  10. Hey guys. I'm in need of major c/c because its been forever since i've used photoshop. I know they're very basic and just text but i'm going to add to this topic as i make more and more and i just need tips and your thought's on everything that i make. It'd be much appreciated and i might as well be labeled a noob when it comes to cs but here's the 3 that i have so far and i'll keep adding them as i make more. thank's for reading and i hope that i can get better as i go with a lot of trial and error haha.
  11. Nevermind. lock please
  12. I think that no is winning currently.
  13. Jordy


    Paying with osgp or paypal. discussion on skype please show proof of work done before or link to thread that shows. jordanmw123 is my skype. thanks.
  14. Whats your favorite alcohol whether it be hard alcohol or beer or anything. Mine's Crown Royal or Captain Morgan..Their both so good and yummy. I'm drinking right now thats why im asking lol
  15. Does anyone have an ipb license they're willing to give away that just needs renewed?
  16. voted for #1 looks best imo.
  17. Thank you maxi , glad to see this being done.
  18. Detects drill demon when not in drill demon and does nothing except state that it's starting the exercise. you can pause it and end the random solver but then it starts back up eventually, not sure what's causing this. when you stop the random solver though, it says that it had solved the random and is exiting it...
  19. Jordy

    BETA v1.7.48

    testing drill demon right now
  20. Yohojo couldn't have said it any better. it would be left up to the admin's either way so a poll as such is pretty much pointless.
  21. Jordy

    Scotty sigs

    Could i have one? a penguin would be awesome :p
  22. lol these make me laugh. not gonna lie.
  23. congratulations! lol :p
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