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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. Ok I can confirm the gains made on the account. Account has a 2 day ban. We're going to base the price check of this account based on the stats and items/quests done not the cost of how much it'd be for a servicer to reproduce since they all vary and price checks are far more accurate Any issues with this? Just to add on, you claim you got an offer for $350 but offer's aren't guaranteed meaning there always subject to be negotiated. Also, don't get me wrong but if you bought the account for 200M, and you got it barrows gloves, 98-99 attack and all the other listed skills above even if you were to pay someone a service of doing that I doubt they'd charge +200M for that. Like I said before services always vary but iirc Decode charges 150M for lvl 3 no gloves to barrows and this is a (well pretty much maxed main acc when you bought it) so saying the account is worth 400$ which is obviously more than 400M $0.9-$1 gold prices isn't really an accurate measure. I'm not even being biased but I doubt you'd have gotten paid that amount for an account. Im not a close friend of his? I don;t know why you'd assume that. I don't care what gold was equivalent to at the time. You paid him 200M that's the end of it. Maybe you should stop and think and ask yourself am I the one who's trying to increase my refund chances. You're not going to receive special treatment it's not our fault that the currency of gold crashed. I doubt you'd be genuine and offer a lower refund if the price of gold was above 1.1/1.2 at this current time anyway.
  2. Ok, Pain has submitted evidence which proves that the OO is indeed responsible for all of these recoveries. Offering to pay you GP is the best option so that nullifies the argument that he's recovered the account for his own personal benefit to resell it to someone at a higher price. Now this is where it get's tricky, the amount to refund. We're going to work by gold amount (OSRS gold) and not USD since you paid him originally 200M for the account and not 200 USD so it's only fair that you get refunded in the same currency. @Pain have you got screenshots of the account stats before you sold? and can you provide the account stats from the highscore page (from today) include the date time stamp also. Thanks
  3. I've requested @Pain to respond here and explain. From looking at this, you make an inference that he has the account still in his posession. @Pain can you show evidence that the OO has been recovering your accounts? Also, I wouldn't make a claim that he has took the account for his own needs since Pain does say "I can give you the account back" but if he did i'm sure it'd get recovered again so he's opting for the refund I assume
  4. Sorry for the late reply, was busy with college this week. Ok, he's already banned anyway (probably wasn't when you posted that i'm not sure) I doubt he'll be returning any time soon but if you were affected by his charge backs and you did indeed lose the disputes that entailed as a consequence. Feel free to post in the dispute section and i'll total it up should he ever wish to return (highly unlikely)
  5. There is no such thing as real islam lol, it's just a sect at the end of the day we all worship Allah no? It's just a difference in worshiping him but at the end of the day we can't judge if it is counted or not that's god's job to make the decision :p noob p.s im sunni
  6. Locking this then. Also, thanks for MM'ing the trade @@Pak Yak
  7. Account thread requested close
  8. Saiyan


    Use the dispute section don't bother posting here.
  9. Antonio contacted me in the chatbox today and told me he won the dispute on paypal I think gonna leave this open though and get a confirmation from him
  10. Who said i'm cheating? my body is avb to everyone
  11. Saiyan


    Let's take it in turns
  12. Saiyan


    Jennifer Lawrence
  13. meh i regret buying it in the first place lul bids start at 1p
  14. I love Kaii. I once thought he was a weeb but after talking to him we became the best of frens and now we are a happily married couple. It started off as innocent playing but now i'd say the sex is 10/10
  15. I never update my mac anymore but yeah rip
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