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  1. MiikeeHD

    Stealth Quester

    can i have a trial? i've used this way back when, but never had the opportunity to try it on a hcim
  2. MiikeeHD

    Stealth Quester

    Can I have a trial? EDIT: Never Mind, saw you aren't doing trials. Looks sick though, may purchase soon!
  3. Didn't think to mess with the angle or zoom, as I thought it may interrupt the bot. I may try this, however, I don't think I'll be needing Canifis Rooftops again. Thank you for getting me where I need to be.
  4. Hey, I noticed when alching in Canifis rooftops, it stops in the same corner every single time and stops there for a tick or two to alch then proceeds. Seems suspicious as I'm the only person running to that corner to alch every single lap. http://prntscr.com/l43mjw
  5. MiikeeHD


    I purchased 20M, they were quick and helpful.
  6. - Did you add me on Skype or send me a PM? Yes - What is the requested service? Void Set - Do you agree to the TOS? Yes. Currently messaging you on skype. Posting to confirm.
  7. Looking for 37-53 thieving HAND DONE. (106k exp) I have finished The Feud, allowing me to use Blackjacking. Also, if you can do NMZ for unbeatable prices, I may consider 67-80 Str! Please leave estimates for both below! I also request that you will be able to work almost immediately after coming to an agreement and that you have some sort of feedback! EDIT: Feel free to pm for skype!
  8. Going to need some quests done CHEAP in the near future. Taking down names so I have someone when I'm ready. Getting Monkey Madness done today, but I need quests such as DT. Let me know :P
  9. MiikeeHD

    Stealth Quester

    May I have a trial now
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