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  1. Still looking for offers. Come and take this wonderful account home.
  2. 1. Account Stats: (sorry my date covers the total level a little. It's above 2000!) 2. Account bank: 3. Quests done: (These are the incomplete quests, I hope that's allowed): 4. Starting bids: Honestly I don't even know. Looking for offers and will probably choose the best offer I get. Feel free to DM me offers. I'm all ears. 5. Auto-Win: N/A. 6. Methods of payment. Strictly OSRS GP. 7. Trading conditions: I WILL NOT GO FIRST. If needed we can use a middleman at your expenses, however I have been on the site for awhile, have had zero issues and plan to keep it that way. 8. Account status: 9.Original Owner & Email: Sadly, as I've had this account for 7 years the email has become an email I use for personal things, however I will obviously switch the email over to you. As stated above, I've been on this site for awhile(granted afk/big lurker). If the email didn't have personal info all over it, and accounts linked to it I would be willing to give it. If anything were to happen, I will do my best to help sort the issue and get the account back/unlocked into the correct hands. 10. Extra details: This has been my main account for over 7 years, however since Ironman came out I switched game modes and now have an Ironman around 2k Total as well. All my focus is on my ironman now, and I rarely, if ever, played on this account. With life catching up to me, and barely having enough time to play, it's time I let go of the account and get some extra $ for bonds and real life things. The account has lots of slayer unlocks, a fully built house, and lots of untradable outfits. It also has 5 of the elite diaries done and almost all the hard ones done. It's sad to let the account go, but as I've created a bunch of other accounts and don't play this anymore I figure I should try and give it a good home. If you'd like to offer, please leave one below, or you can add/dm me on Discord. My discord is PewPewCachoo#3925 When dm'ing me, please send your offer and a link to your account on here. Thank you. (AS OF RIGHT NOW MY ONLY ACTIVE ACCOUNTS ARE OSBOT AND MY DISCORD)
  3. Looking for prices for a cave run UP TO Jad. (I want to kill it, heh.) Account would be 75 Range, 50ish Def, 55 pray. Would be using blow pipe, w/ Addy darts if that makes a difference. Currently just looking for prices. Thanks in advance.
  4. Order Form: What do you need? : Tai bwo wannai Trio Lunar Diplo Dream Mentor. Payment method? : OSRS GP Going first or middleman? : First for you BB. What is your Skype? : You have it, sent you a message as well about this. Do you agree to the TOS? : Yes
  5. Got me full void. Nice and easy, went first as well!
  6. 76HP/72 Range/70 Def/ 51 Prayer. Full void, rune c'bow +broad bolts, account has Prayer pots, zammy book, amulet of accuracy(or power ammy) no sweets/brews/restores so I would need an inventory you would like to use. Leave prices here, please and thank you!
  7. Hi, I'm talking to you on skype about a Void order of 850 Points. What do you want?: 850 Void Points Do you agree the price?: Yessir, 11,050,000GP(11.05M) Do you agree the tos? : Yessir.
  8. Looking for some prices/someone to get full void(range), and an extra helm. (1050 points total) Account is 89 CB, and I'd like it to be hand done.
  9. Looking to buy 25M 18M via Paypal, I'll cover fees. Will go first to people I deem trustworthy, or we can use an MM. Leave post below, pm me, or find me in the chatbox. BOUGHT.
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