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Trade With Caution
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About HindyBC

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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Ruin the game? He is a top player, but a very angry football player!
  2. Sucks man Yeah lost my skiller a while back 4 99s 40m cash pile :@
  3. range guild? Why not just call jagex and tell them your botting lol
  4. They always say that
  5. Edited post, my screen was zoomed in lol.
  6. Great job. Looks better than original ones
  7. Fucking hilarious! Watched so many times can't stop laughing
  8. The day you stop trying your best for a better position will be amazing to see. u always!
  9. Even though the post count is 100 posts. People still post 100 posts scam alert! You just can't win what ever happens on the internet, so many fucking immature kids online.
  10. HindyBC

    face. v2

    Good photoshop skills man
  11. Pattens is how they get us banned now. Repeat the same thing over and over again. Same steps, mouse movements!
  12. Goodluck! Hopefully you can keep going intill 99. Dylan was playing like 19-20 hours a day l0l
  13. HindyBC


  14. That is awesome work. Might add you myself lol
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