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  1. 'the intelligent choice' By @Czar CURRENT RECORD: 201 HOURS Lifetime updates and support, request a feature either on the main thread or on our active discord! For advice and strategies, join our discord! You can also purchase the bot with GP if you'd like. 84 HOUR PROGRESS ON A LEVEL 20 ACCOUNT Suicided account with mirror mode near rock crabs, 81 mining! I will probably go for 99 Mine 1 drop 1 item drop pre-hover feature: (it's faster in the actual update)
    1 point
  2. This is part two of my findings, although this time I created an entire 3D imaging software to bot with. Previously I was banned using a randomized alching macro script, paired with a HID device completely indistinguishable from a normal mouse in terms of appearance to native programs - although it took around two weeks of near constant alching. The software... Similar to how colorbots work, but based on imaging physical objects due to all the free libraries all over, computational speeds, and the simplicity of 3D objects in-game. I created a new software to control my HID device using a COM's port (Which it then translated to natural HID input). My mouse mover was a very advanced algorithm I worked on when I used to use OSBot, including a trained neural network portion which aided in speed/translations/overshoots/deviation/whatever. Multiple hours trained using my movements in-game to insure Jagex wouldn't be able to establish a difference between my movement, and the bots movement. The HID device was then seeded by https://www.random.org/ as generated a seed on a device is incredibly difficult due to the simplicity of the OS and overall hardware obviously. The bot, although somewhat slow at times, was very similar to my own movements. It's job was to simply mine for around 10 hours a day, then turn off. Then turn on the next day. Surprisingly this bot managed to net 3 million GP mining tin, in the course of about 1-2 weeks, with some days off. That compared to MirrorMode on OSBot is a MASSIVE increase in botting time. Sadly, it was just banned for Macro Major.. Ban cause speculation This ban bothers me. The software, undetected, the physical "mouse", undetected, the mouse movement, exactly as my own.. I'm really thinking, what pattern could possibly be this blatantly obvious that they would ban my poor bot permanently? No way it's the mouse movement? The pattern in mining, doubt it as it was based on my own (once more), and is simply too basic to detect a pattern. The timings? Should of been very random, with unbounded lengths (Meaning a random integer between 1-100 could result in 20,000 randomly), but still not ruling this out. Then lastly, the ban time frame.. It matches the alch bot near-perfect. A bot that did nothing but click a mouse, which didn't rely on software on the computer at all.. Is it possible that... Mouse down -> Mouse UP timing (A record I've already shown they logged), is responsible for these bans? Is it possible they're brute-forcing our seeds or using some type of algorithm which eventually learns our random patterns and can predict the next random number in the sequence (Given our randomizers use pseudorandom chains). Since we all use a static range of numbers between Mouse Down/Up, they will eventually detect regions of time of where our click events contain a constant, say 50-200MS between bound. Theoretically, given enough time, most numbers between these given bounds will result in the near-same number of uses. Writing an algorithm to detect a randomness pattern between the up/down (Or in other words, time it takes to click) would not be difficult, it would just require a lot of data. Furthermore, the ban rates tend to reflect mouse clicks. Agility for instance, requires clicking every 2 seconds. Essentially my conclusion: Randomization is a double edged sword. May appear random, but given enough time, creates a perfectly symmetrical shape. Instead of a horizontal random number picker, perhaps we need to look into more "human-like" randomization. Plans going forward... What I plan to do now, for anyone who cares, is to graph some of this data to visualize the data Jagex is being sent just to see how "random" looks. My next plan is to once more bot the living FUCK out of some rudimentary task, but this time with mouse delays based on my own timings. If I'm still banned, I'm just going to assume Jagex carelessly bans anyone who is doing a task for too long and this whole thing is a waste of time lmao The reason I focused on the mouse click delay in this thread is because it's the easiest input to track. No matter what bot, script, or macro you use, they all have randomized clicking. This is also the easiest pattern as it's consistent throughout all botting tasks
    1 point
  3. Working great so far, thanks!
    1 point
  4. I believe so, and OSBot already uses them. But their logic is flawed (Unless this is their intended behavior?) This is OSBot's current clicking. Reason it looks like this is because they turn negative random guassians into positive, which defeats the purpose of using them unless you are purposely trying to create this downward graph? Obviously this is EXTREMELY easy to detect still, as they're hitting the minimum far too often This is their current "flawed" code for generating randoms for the mouse events. Might be used all over, I only verified that they use it for clicking. public static int gRandom(int iIiiiiiIIiIi, double d) throws IllegalArgumentException { double d1 = Math.abs(random.nextGaussian()) * d + iIiiiiiIIiIi; d = iIiiiiiIIiIi + d * 3.0D; if (d1 > d) d1 = d; return (int)Math.max(0L, Math.round(d1)); } Instead of that, they could do something like this public static int gRandom2(int iIiiiiiIIiIi, double d) throws IllegalArgumentException { double mod; double result; do { double guassian = random.nextGaussian(); if (guassian < 0) iIiiiiiIIiIi += d; mod = d * guassian; } while ((result = (iIiiiiiIIiIi + mod)) < 35); return (int) result; } This code is not perfect, it's just more of an example of a direction they could try. That code produces this
    1 point
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